Tony Ponce
3 games reviewed
86.7 average score
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Sep 11, 2014
At the end of the day, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call is about the music. It delivers the most comprehensive package of Final Fantasy jams short of something outrageous like a 50-disc box set containing every soundtrack in the series. For that alone, it's a must-have for any Final Fantasy fan or videogame music fan in general.
Sep 26, 2013
Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures is not a cowa-fucking-piece-of-dog-shit, that's for certain!
Sep 25, 2014
As an introduction to the Dynasty Warriors template, Hyrule Warriors has gotten me deeply interested in the rest of Koei Tecmo's output. As a Zelda game, it honors all the little series details that players have found so endearing through the decades. As an action game, it is distilled fun.