Blake Morse
As long as everyone knows what they're getting into though I would definitely recommend this game to fans of the Dynasty Warriors franchise regardless of their familiarity with Zelda. I'd also give a thumbs up to fans of the Zelda games that are into arcade-style action every now and again.
Fans will most definitely enjoy their time in the VR world of Virtual Rick-ality, but they shouldn't go in expecting to have their minds totally blown either.
There just needs to be more below the surface to keep a game like Guns of Icarus Alliance engaging. For now, though, it's another example of a game with a great idea that flew too close to the sun.
Moss is a fantastic game with a story that will draw players into its world and it has some great visuals to back it up. While there is some death and darkness to the title, I would still consider it a family friendly title, but maybe not something for the young, young kiddies.
Admittedly, many of the flaws or problems I have with Dynasty Warriors 9 are nothing entirely new to the series. It's just that now there's a whole new layer of problems that have been put on top of them that make the original issues that much more apparent. For almost every aspect of the game's features that I felt were on par with the quality of past titles, there is a contradiction.
While the remaster does a great job of bringing the games already noteworthy visuals and story into a new generation of HD consoles it is unfortunate that the same cannot be said about the controls. Sadly, the game's control schemes are stuck in the past and make for a clumsy experience at times. Climbing commands feel like there's a delay in the reaction and there were several times I failed to grab onto something that seemed like a straightforward transition.
This is truly the best Dragon Ball fighter I've played since the Super Famicom imports.