Marco Inchingoli
Dynasty Warriors 9 is a game that can be recommended only to hardcore fans of the genre: the formula is absolutely the same, with its inherent boredom, further stressed by a subpar open-world experience. There are some new elements here and there, but the gameplay is basically the same.
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Lost Sphear is an honest and sincere tribute to the JRPG genre of the nineties: the storyline, the characters, and the art direction are all reminders of that era, with a combat system that's pretty engaging and not too hard to the player. Well, it's not the most original game ever released, but if you like the genre, you'll definitely find something worth your time.
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Yomawari: Midnight Shadows is a pretty basic horror title, with a creepy and disturbing atmosphere, and an interesting bestiary. The game is not too difficult, the super-deformed art direction is a little bit anticlimactic, but overall is a good scary ride.
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Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon improves over the predecessor in every possible way, from the more refined gameplay to a more inspired story and art direction. There are some technical issues, and the game is not available in the Italian language. Other than that, a pretty good RPG-musou.
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