Bryan Ertmer


Favorite Games:
  • World of Warcraft
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • Diablo 2

21 games reviewed
71.9 average score
75 median score
38.1% of games recommended

Bryan Ertmer's Reviews

Raised in a small town in Colorado, I was always looking to escape into a different world. Through books, movies, dungeons and dragons, I quickly found myself intrigued by the idea of fantasy worlds. This lead into a deep love to video games. I also loved writing and putting them together became the only smart way to use my talents. Working with Gaming Trend for the past couple years and going to review events has become my life. I love reviewing good and bad games simply because I love being taken to another world and experiencing ideas and stories that people have put so much love, time, and passion into.
Apr 23, 2018

My First Pet Stuff adds basically a new critter, some hair and clothes items, and items that require Cats and Dogs. It is DLC for DLC and feels like this all could have been part of that expansion instead of its own stand alone product. I am disappointed in the lack of items, the reskins of the critters, but most importantly how they thought doing a pack that requires another expansion was a good idea. It is not worth your time, and in my opinion we should not support a practice like this and hopefully let them get back to making great packs like they were.

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