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Josh Aloysious


Favorite Games:
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Pokemon Silver
  • Fire Emblem: Awakening

1 games reviewed
Liked - Light Fall
May 6, 2018

Light Fall is a solid puzzle platformer with a fantastic sense of speed and precise platforming movement complementing it. This fluidity translates through the game and aids in creating a shorter experience with plenty of collectables and hidden secrets along the way. The art and music are both impeccable in cultivating a melancholic atmosphere but the story sadly doesn’t live up to those heights. Light Fall is also brought down by its overly interspersed checkpoints, which escalates the difficulty, and a poorly designed final boss fight. However, Light Fall is a steady addition to the platforming genre that never outstays its welcome but is nothing special, when compared to its counterparts.

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