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Adam Siddiqui


Favorite Games:
  • Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars
  • Horizon Zero Dawn
  • Mega Man X

250 games reviewed
79.9 average score
85 median score
88.8% of games recommended

Adam Siddiqui's Reviews

Gaming since the 90s, hoping for Mega Man Legends 3 to come out one day.
75 / 100 - Blair Witch
Sep 3, 2019

Blair Witch is a polarizing game. On one hand, Bloober Team does a fantastic job crafting an atmospheric and often frightening adventure. On the other hand, the game includes random glitches that require restarting the game to resolve. Making the only thing holding Blair Witch back is the preventable technical issues.

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90 / 100 - Control
Aug 26, 2019

In the world of Control, the supernatural is very real and the government knows about it. In this Metroidvania style adventure, you must prevent a global disaster after having being placed in a precarious situation. Taking on the role of Director of the Federal Bureau of Control protagonist Jesse Faden must slowly claw her way through hostile forces, gain new powers, and attempt to stop the supernatural force called the Hiss. Despite some issues, such as audio errors and bullet sponge enemies, Control constantly entices the player with new discoveries. It carries the same tones found in other Remedy Entertainment games while establishing its own identity as a great new IP.

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80 / 100 - Rad
Aug 22, 2019

RAD is a tough post-post-apocalyptic adventure that has players relying not only on skill to survive the mutated hordes but luck as well. With each new run offering randomized powerups and maps that constantly challenges the player. Adding to the difficulty is the rarity of health and making purchasable resources expensive. Despite this RAD's addicting gameplay quickly takes over. And once you get into the flow of RAD's rhythm of death and renewal you'll keep coming back for more.

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Life is Strange 2 started at breakneck speed and hasn't let up since then. With Sean and Daniel constantly being tested in both their physical fortitudes and emotional stability. Episode 4 Faith has Sean attempting to locate Daniel while both his physical and mental health are constantly under pressure. Eventually leading up to a profound conclusion that has Sean knocking on Death's door and attempting to save what's most important to him.

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Jul 28, 2019

Wolfenstein holds a high position among a lot of FPS gamers. Wolfenstein: Youngblood seeks to carry the torch of this respected series but not only drops the torch but sets fire to everything around it. The cutscenes share The New Colossus' extraordinary quality and the new protagonists Jessica and Sophia provide authentic entertaining performances. However, many of the archaic mechanics that were vexing in the previous games are still present here. Wolfenstein: Youngblood starts strong, with a brilliant cast of characters and incredibly choreographed cutscenes but slowly falls due to the repetitive missions and bullet sponge-like enemies.

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The Fate of Atlantis has been a positive turn for Assassin's Creed Odyssey's DLC expansions. Legacy of the First Blade failed to impress due to lack of unique areas and mostly bland narrative. However, The Fate of Atlantis had Alexios traveling to different realms, seeing old faces, and interacting with gods. A definite improvement from exploring the same areas over and over. Episode 3 Judgment of Atlantis ends things on a high note as Alexios takes on the mantle of champion for one last journey with the gods.

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70 / 100 - Sea of Solitude
Jul 5, 2019

Sea of Solitude starts strong, plunging the player into a vast ocean that house monsters and allies alike. With dark themes of loneliness that push the protagonist to confront unbearable truths. Unfortunately, while the story starts off strong Sea of Solitude cannot ride that wave, with much of its momentum quickly lost.

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I had low expectations for VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action. I anticipated a bartending simulator with a simple narrative but I was mistaken. Yes, you're a bartender and the game is a narrative-driven title but the deep and complex characters along with the well-crafted cyberpunk universe provide a soothing yet exciting environment. Each character has their own personalities whether it's an editor looking to kill time or a working man trying to find meaning in life. VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action excels at providing an invigorating adventure full of interesting characters while elaborating on its own cyberpunk world.

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Life is Strange 2: Episode 3 Wastelands starts off slow, eventually gaining traction and concluding with a bang. Providing multiple new characters and old souls from the previous episode to interact with. All while building and Sean and Daniel's relationship, which has become increasingly rockier since the previous episode. Life is Strange 2: Episode 3 Wastelands is full of emotional moments and will leave the player craving the next episode.

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80 / 100 - Days Gone
May 4, 2019

After Sony's extensive and highly acclaimed library of exclusives such as Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, God of War, and Spider-Man PS4 many expect Days Gone to provide an equally outstanding experience. Days Gone isn't a spectacular game. The gameplay doesn't provide anything revolutionary, with tedious tasks making up a bulk of the adventure. Where Days Gone does excel at is delivering a solid narrative of survivors attempting to find purpose in this destroyed world. Attempting to find a reason to wake up for another day of fending off humans, the infected, and their own mental destruction. But even the strong narrative is eventually weakened due to the myriad of technical problems. For every positive feature within Days Gone, there's something that negatively hampers the experience.

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DLC for the Assassin's Creed franchise has always been short mediocre adventures, with the occasional striking moment. Assassin's Creed Odyssey The Fate of Atlantis Episode 1 Fields of Elysium, that's a mouthful, is a huge step forward for DLC in this franchise. Providing an extensive adventure with branching narrative paths and a collection of great characters. The missions don't diverge from the traditional Assassin's Creed formula but the story is more than worth the asking price for this introduction. Fields of Elysium is a giant step forward for Assassin's Creed DLC and one of the best expansions in the franchise.

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83 / 100 - World War Z
Apr 16, 2019

Without a doubt, it's hard to play World War Z without comparing it to Valve's Left 4 Dead series. Many of the similarities are here but Saber Interactive decided to take to those concepts and fleshed them out. Adding a leveling system and a larger variety of competitive options. It's a cooperative shooter with lots of things to kill and while that may sound mediocre it's done so well here. World War Z is all about mindless carnage as you plow through another wave of zombies.

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Apr 5, 2019

Assassin's Creed III marked the end of the mainline series that started this legendary franchise. Now available with updated visuals and new mechanics Assassin's Creed III Remastered provides a much-needed facelift. Giving gamers a chance to not only experience Connor's story again but the underappreciated Aveline from Assassin's Creed III: Liberation. However, it's also plagued with many of the same issues that the original games had. Assassin's Creed III Remastered is a great way to relive these classic titles for both newcomers to the series or veterans.

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Mar 27, 2019

Telltale's The Walking Dead: The Final Season provides the same exhilarating feelings of anxiety as you attempt to make the best decision under pressure. Following the same formula as past seasons Clementine must attempt to connect with a new group of survivors while raising a child. The choices are still impactful and the narrative full of great characters but the need to solve basic puzzles and the poor shooting system slows down much of the momentum. The Walking Dead: The Final Season provides a lot of the same tension-filled decisions and situations this series has been known for while concluding Clementine's story with a bang.

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The Walking Dead: The Final Season - Episode 4 Take Us Back has a lot of highs and lows. With organic situations caused by the player's decisions mixed with questionable situations. It won't please everyone but Take Us Back but provides a sufficient conclusion to Clementine's long journey.

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Mar 26, 2019

Final Fantasy XV Episode Ardyn marks the end of Final Fantasy XV and what a high note to end on. Taking control of the game's antagonist Ardyn and showing how the betrayed former king was corrupted provides the much-needed context that fans have been yearning for. Like the previous episodic expansions Final Fantasy XV Episode Ardyn fills in the gaps left empty in the core campaign. Episode Ardyn is a short but meaningful adventure that shows how Ardyn fell from grace.

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90 / 100 - Devil May Cry 5
Mar 11, 2019

Devil May Cry 5 delivers exactly what is expected from this franchise since it debuted back 2001, with over the top action and ridiculous boss fights. This latest installment doesn't diverge from the series' formula and instead builds or slightly modify the mechanics that series veterans know and love while also giving newcomers some easier options. Devil May Cry 5 is a rocking good time that will keep everyone coming back for another round of demon hunting.

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Assassin's Creed Odyssey Legacy of the First Blade Episode 3: Bloodline concludes the three-part series on an adequate note. Bringing together a series of predictable events and mediocre missions but ending with a conclusion tailored more for fans of the series. Newcomers may feel cheated with Bloodline's finale but longtime fans of the Assassin's Creed franchise find more value in how this game connects to other titles in the series.

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Feb 28, 2019

ToeJam and Earl is a cult classic among older gamers, with much of its appeal coming from the graphical style and unique characters. ToeJam and Earl: Back in the Groove! captures much of the original's atmosphere and gameplay. It won't appeal to everyone but those with fond memories of the duo will get a lot of enjoyment with ToeJam and Earl: Back in the Groove!

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50 / 100 - Anthem
Feb 26, 2019

The starting moments of Anthem are truly amazing, with breathtaking environments, a promising story, and the ability to take to the sky at will. This excitement eventually fades as you continue forward on your journey to kill hordes of the same enemies to obtain lackluster loot and explore the same areas. Anthem looks and plays like it should be better than it is but suffers rigorously from repetitive gameplay, bland loot, and tiresome characters.

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