Colin Beauchamp

22 games reviewed
62.3 average score
60 median score
22.7% of games recommended
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Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings is an enjoyable romp with a charming world, an interesting alchemy system, and plenty of content. Its different systems intertwine with each other in a unique way that makes what is otherwise basic combat interesting, even if it's still not perfect. It's a shame that so often the pacing is broken to make you do uninteresting tasks to get back to the best part of the game - exploring the paintings - but that doesn't stop it from being entertaining, nonetheless.

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Mar 29, 2018

Pizza Connection 3 has some good potential with its ideas and mechanics, but its noticeable balance problems, combined with its plethora of bugs and glitches, ends up masking what otherwise could have been a fun little tycoon game.

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