Julien Inverno

63 games reviewed
59.4 average score
60 median score
36.5% of games recommended
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9 / 10 - Mario Kart 8
May 15, 2014

Mario Kart 8 forms a loop that connects everything that makes Mario Kart one of the greatest multiplayer series of all time, not to mention offering what is expected of a spectacular title on a console like the Wii U.

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Nov 19, 2013

Super Mario 3D World brings together the best of both worlds, offering both a solid solo, deep in its game mechanics as well as its content, and an exciting, user-friendly multi, in 3D levels with level design inspired and of course totally mastered by Nintendo.

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No sequel, no remake, no anthem of A Link to the Past, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds borrows everything from the game released on Super Famicom in 1991. But he does it in a beautiful way, with respect and accuracy, by proposing a gripping adventure and ingenious dungeons, without exceeding his model. It cannot be held against it, as any Zelda game cannot constitute a revolution in video games. And then this Zelda 3DS offers more, even if it plays security by being modeled on Zelda 3, a small upheaval welcome in the formula, thanks to a progression less dirigiste. Nostalgic and newcomers will find their account, despite different perceptions. This new Zelda is an excellent title, a must of the 3DS.

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