Super Mario 3D World

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Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

10 / 10
9.6 / 10
Game Rant
4.5 / 5
4.5 / 5
Game Informer
9.3 / 10
9 / 10
9 / 10
Giant Bomb
5 / 5
Creators: Nintendo
Release Date: Nov 22, 2013 - Wii U, Nintendo Switch
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Wii U - Super Mario 3D World E3 Trailer

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Critic Reviews for Super Mario 3D World

Beneath the warm familiarity of 3D World lies one of the strangest Mario games in years - and that's wonderful news.

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9.6 / 10.0

Super Mario 3D World is marvelous and its fantastic co-op and variety will keep you entertained for hours.

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Overall, this is the game that Wii U owners have been waiting for and it shows that there's still plenty of fight left in a console that many may have written off.

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3D World sees the plumber at the top of his game, and it's finally as fun to play with friends as it is solo. It doesn't redefine the franchise like previous entries have, but when the total package is as fun as 3D World, that's hardly a complaint.

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Nintendo does it again, blending novelty with nostalgia to offer some of the best couch co-op out there

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Super Mario 3D World is a sublime platformer that's full of wonderful ideas and fabulous level design.

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It gets the balance right between nostalgic touches and clever new twists, and never once let me down with a boring boss or too-familiar retread. In all my years of playing with the Mario gang, I've never been quite so happy to hurl myself into the unknown, and 3D World delivers challenge, surprise and joy in almost every moment.

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Nintendo has knocked it out of the park once again, making its latest platformer a must play.

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