Michael Shelton

9 games reviewed
74.4 average score
70 median score
44.4% of games recommended
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Mar 31, 2015

Paperbound taps into our imagination by drilling into the pages of literary classics, fuelling a frenzied brawler that deviates from standard fare through subtle and unique decisions.

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Jan 26, 2015

Grey Goo is an engaging experience that rewards players with the patience to develop solid tactics and a firm understanding of the ways that each faction can exploit the weaknesses of their rivals.

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Nov 12, 2014

Randal's Monday has many things going against it, but fans of Clerks, Jeff Anderson, and unrelenting geek culture references will find a hardcore point-and-click adventure with plenty of storyline to justify its $25 price tag.

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The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is one of this year's most engaging and beautifully crafted narratives that should not be missed by any fan of immersive storytelling.

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Sep 26, 2014

With Fenix Rage, Green Lava Studios fully grasped how to fuse together hardcore platforming elements, to create an engaging experience that will test your patience and skills to their breaking point, in spite of a few minor drawbacks.

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Jul 22, 2014

Concursion will surely have a welcome home in any Steam user's library, with a hearty appreciation for precise and demanding 2D platforming, but newcomers may be better off spending their $12 elsewhere.

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Mar 12, 2014

Infested Planet is a solid addition to any real-time strategy fan's Steam collection. The constantly evolving gameplay offers a fresh variation to a familiar formula, and at $14.99 it's hard to argue against the game's value.

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Feb 9, 2014

Loadout is a charming mix of brutal comedic violence with frenetic arena based shooting action. You'd be foolish not to give it a shot. After all, it's free-to-play not free-to-pay, so what do you have to lose?

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The PC version of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance offers more of the insane ninja swordplay that proved Metal Gear can thrive outside of Shadow Moses.

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