Kyle Hanson

237 games reviewed
76.3 average score
80 median score
60.2% of games recommended
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The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes is an enjoyable multiplayer Zelda experience, but one that has trouble holding up too well over the long haul. Single player is a bit of a disaster, offering little more than tedium and frustration, so if you don't have some friends to play with you might want to avoid this game. Even without them though you can hop online, which works extremely well when all three players are invested. Overall, if you enjoyed Four Swords then you'll find something to like here, but casual fans might struggle.

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Minecraft: Story Mode continues its mixed experience with Episode 2 "Assembly Required". Writing is still enjoyable, though the overall story isn't coming together quite as well as usual. Glitches, especially those in animation, take away from the fun.

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Oct 26, 2015

Any worry that Halo might be in the wrong hands with 343 Industries has been wiped out by Halo 5: Guardians. Taking what works, removing what didn't, and refining nearly every aspect of the experience, Halo 5 is an immediate classic that is on par with its predecessors.

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Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 5 perfectly concludes the adventures of Fiona and Rhys, and their gang of friends. This episode easily cements the series as one of Telltale's best, and one of the best games this year. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll wanna do it all over again just to see how your choices change things.

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Fatal Frame: Maiden of the Black Water is a game that horror fans will want to love, but will end up causing frustration due to broken controls and an annoying mission structure. The scares are still there though, if you can forgive the other mistakes.

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Minecraft: Story Mode gets off to a decent, but flawed start with Episode 1. The series is definitely going to be a more family friendly affair than its Telltale brethren, but not quite enough was done to accommodate the more mature gamer. Future episodes could help, but for now it is best to be wary, while still diving in if you appreciate the universe.

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Oct 12, 2015

Yoshi's Woolly World is a beatiful, handcrafted creation that will delight Nintendo fans, and those looking for another great 2D platformer. If only there was more here to enjoy, the game would be another masterpiece for the Wii U.

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Oct 5, 2015

Harmonix has brought the music genre back from the dead with a solid experience in Rock Band 4. All the fun you had with the series is back, with a few extra parts missing this time around. Nothing is particularly new here though, so if you haven't been yearning for the good old days, you might want to wait to see how this new platform develops.

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Sep 29, 2015

Jotun promised a lot with its Kickstarter campaign, but it has delivered on all fronts. A wonderfully crafted adventure based on Norse mythology, players will find themselves engrossed in the world of Jotun from start to finish. The art style is gorgeous, the soundtrack is epic, and the boss battles are tense. A few flaws crop up, but enough is done elsewhere to make up for it in the end.

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Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer misses the high mark set by the main series. Taking one aspect of the game and making it the focus helps improve the mechanics, but the end result is far less enjoyable as it removes many of the things that made AC so unique.

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Sep 16, 2015

Year Walk is a fascinating, unique experience on the Wii U, presenting a new world for gamers to enjoy. Taking Swedish mythology and crafting a puzzle-based horror game will definitely please Wii U owners who are looking for something fresh and interesting to play. The Wii U version has a few very small issues, but overall it presents some great new takes on the Gamepad, that fans will definitely want to check out, as long as they can get past a couple of small missteps.

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Tons of unlockables, fantastic visuals, a catchy, upbeat soundtrack, and unique gameplay combine to form a gaming experience like few others. If you have a friend who is into couch co-op and can be at the ready to play Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime at a moments notice, then the game will certainly be a favorite. However, for those that have a more solitary gaming experience, the lack of an online multiplayer component could be a deal breaker.

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Sep 5, 2015

While it might feel familiar to those that have played other open-world action games, Mad Max presents the universe of the films perfectly in video game form. Vehicular combat especially will please anyone looking for adrenaline fueled gameplay, but more could have been done to differentiate the experience from other titles.

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Sep 2, 2015

Tearaway Unfolded takes the enjoyable platformer from the PS Vita and makes it even better on the PS4. It might lose a little bit of its luster in the transition, mostly due to the two year timespan in between, but fans of Media Molecule's gaming style will find a lot to love here.

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With easy to learn, hard to master controls that build up as you progress through the game, and an addictive scoring mechanic that is always pushing you to master the game, OlliOlli 2 is a great addition to any PC gamer's library.

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Aug 3, 2015

Rare Replay is, simply put, one of the best collections in gaming history. Hours upon hours of gameplay await players, and with classics like Banjo, Conker, and Perfect Dark those hours won't be wasted.

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Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series Episode 5 - A Nest of Vipers isn't the best episode of the flawed, but engaging series, but it is still up there with the best of them. A couple of issues persist, such as show characters causing narrative confusion, and one or two stories not really progressing all that much, but overall fans should find themselves happy with the direction the series is going.

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Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure doesn't do much to rock the boat that the series has built over the last couple of decades. This is both a good thing and a bad thing, as the game doesn't ruin what fans have loved, but it also doesn't offer much to bring them back either.

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Many have called Tales from the Borderlands Telltale's best series ever, and with episodes like Catch a Ride it is tough to argue. The humor is excellent, the voice acting is stellar, and the story continues to engage and intrigue the player with its dual-narrator structure. If you haven't taken the plunge into Rhys and Fiona's epic adventure yet there is no reason to keep waiting, as Tales just keeps getting better as time goes on. Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 4 can't come soon enough.

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May 26, 2015

Splatoon is yet another great new IP from Nintendo. It's fresh take on the shooter genre should please longtime fans, while feeling accessible to new players. One of the best games on the Wii U, which is already stacked with excellent titles.

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