Luke Kemp
Despite a little turbulence, The Falconeer takes you on a memorable ride.
A hardcore team game that's fun when you work together, despite some unfriendly systems.
BPM is a great concept somewhat fumbled, redeemed when it breaks its own rules.
Despite variable success with the choice element, this is a kingdom you’ll want to save.
Excellent writing and vibrant characters help to overcome prominent technical issues and unwelcome repetition.
A great one-shot adventure or an enjoyable grindfest, depending on which you want.
Lost Ember is a wonderful, unique, and unforgettable experience with a love for nature.
Unaware of its absurdity, Blacksad: Under The Skin fails at much of what it attempts
Puzzle design does the heavy lifting for Trine 4, a fun but ultimately hollow experience.
Hilarious, bursting with charm, and satisfying to play. Untitled Goose Game is a winger.