James Luff

504 games reviewed
67.1% of games recommended
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Jun 21, 2023

Not long ago, I watched a film starring Nicholas Cage, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. There’s a scene where Nicholas Cage (starring as himself) is talking about his favourite films, and his fan, played by Pedro Pascal, says Paddington 2 (an excellent film which I recommend). Taken back by the response, Cage asks for more information, and Pascal explains the film made him want to be a better person. That quote is probably the best way I felt coming out of Smushi Come Home. On observation, some might not see the point of a game lacking significant challenges. I often feel this way while playing some walking simulators, but Smushi is one that lets the player go at their own pace in a stress-free setting. Explore as much as you want, engage with the quests or simply focus on the main mission. It’s so rare to see a game incorporate education well into the design by learning about real-life mushrooms. The biggest achievement of all is the game just made me feel good. As someone who works a high-stress job, it’s greatly appreciated. So absolutely buy Smushi Come Home, and then consider gifting it to your friend who needs a hug or a smush if you prefer.

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Jun 14, 2023

Candle Knight is a solid game with some interesting ideas. This is definitely a title that fits into the category of a diamond with some rough edges. I liked how it tried changing the familiar adventure formula with its adaptive difficulty and balancing combat and exploration. This is helped further with good visuals and a soundtrack. The trouble is many of its elements feel a bit clunky, much like if you were wearing a suit of armour yourself. Combat is hard to grasp at times, particularly when blocking, and some of the platforming is a bit fiddly. But the game isn’t unplayable. Most players should easily see past these issues and enjoy a nice candlelight gaming night (actual candle optional when gaming). If you have room in your gaming schedule for another adventure, then Candle Knight may just be the light you are looking for.

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Jun 12, 2023

Daydream: Forgotten Sorrow is a solid cinematic platformer if you’re looking for a short and sweet adventure that can be completed in a few gaming nights. I often find myself mixed with games like this. I hated the gotcha moments and became frustrated with the platforming, especially during action sequences. Although it was never to the extent where I threw in the towel, something drove me to carry on and see this game to its conclusion. For every issue I had, I could point to something I liked such as the rewarding puzzles, the captivating presentation and the dreamlike soundtrack. It really is a roller coaster of a video game. Ultimately I liked Daydream. Through all the highs and lows I had with my time, I walked away satisfied and wanting to cuddle a teddy. But since I’m a bit old for that now, I’ll cuddle my son instead.

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Liked-a-lot - Tiny Thor
Jun 10, 2023

Tiny Thor, for me, was a pleasant trip down the retro platforming avenue. Although I enjoyed it, the experience might not be for everyone. The game does bring with it some of the retro baggage. Levels do get very tough, requiring precision platforming to fully conquer. The health system isn’t that great, and levels do feel a tad long, reducing the drive to go back to explore for all the secrets. Still, the game gets so much right with tight controls, brilliant presentation and a challenge that may be tough but is rewarding if you stick with it. You will likely feel worthy if you decide to take up the hammer with Tiny Thor

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Liked - Speed Crew
Jun 9, 2023

Speed Crew is another recommended game to add to the co-op game night. As is often the case with these games, this is not recommended for those venturing alone. With other players, the experience is fun and addictive. A few niggles hold it back from top-tier greatness, with items appearing a bit too small on screen, and it’s sometimes hard to tell what exactly needs fixing on the car due to colours blending together. However, my friends and I could look past these and still thoroughly enjoyed our time with it. Speed Crew makes it through the finish line with some dents but still takes first place as a co-op game.

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Jun 7, 2023

Strayed Lights looks beautiful and has a deep combat system that is rewarding for those able to click with it. It just didn’t click for me. Much like the NPCs in this game, I felt lonely and desperately needed a hug. Though I honestly like what this game is going for. The presentation feels cinematic, with large open areas to explore and epic boss battles. So it’s another of those examples of a game I like but just could not connect with its parry system. I have enough real-life stresses currently, which is not helping. With that in mind, I still recommend it, but a demo would have been really helpful for players to test the waters before they commit to purchasing. If you have fast reflexes and don’t mind long battles, then go into the light and have fun. But if you’re looking for a calmer experience, then seek light elsewhere.

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Mixed - Bread & Fred
Jun 4, 2023

Bread and Fred was not the cuddly co-op adventure I was expecting. Frustrating in co-op and unplayable in single-player. This wasn’t for my wife, who I roped into playing this experience with me, or me. Costing me almost my marriage. I can see an audience who likes these overly hard games loving the challenge, particularly streamers and speedrunners. For all I know, this is another one of those experiences maybe I just don’t get as I’m getting older and not with the cool gamer kids. For most, I would advise approaching this with caution unless you want to test the length of your best gaming friendships

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Liked - Evil Wizard
May 31, 2023

I will admit Evil Wizard did not deliver the best first impression for me. The constant interruption of gameplay to tell some joke got old pretty quickly. I admit I can see a sizable audience loving this humour. When things focused on the gameplay, I was enjoying the flow of the experience. Combat is a fair challenge made more enjoyable by the game’s epic boss battles. It also changes the pace of playing an adventure game without a 2D platformer. It’s a solid experience that will keep you entertained throughout. Some may even call this the Evil Zelda game. Evil Wizard shows it’s good to be bad sometimes.

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Loved - Bat Boy
May 30, 2023

Batboy is absolutely great. A retro throwback with modern improvements that is suitable for any gamer looking for a fair challenge. The biggest praise goes to its instant satisfaction in gameplay and clever level design. Sure, there are small nitpicks, but these are easily overshadowed by how much fun I had playing this. Even during the game’s tough segments, there was rarely a moment I wasn’t enjoying my time with the game. I can see some comparing this to Mega Man and Shovel Knight. But Batboy makes its own mark standing next to these greats rather than mimicking them. Better still, if you’re still not sure there is a free demo to try before you buy. A home run, indeed.

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May 25, 2023

Bust of Move Everybubble! (sorry, Puzzle Bobble) is a solid return to a much-loved arcade puzzler. If you have been away from the series for a while, this is a welcome return to see an old friend. If you’re new, this is a great jumping-on point if you’re looking for one of the best arcade puzzlers in the genre. A hearty challenge to enjoy alone or with friends. It falters a little for me by its lacklustre Versus mode, which doesn’t quite recapture the thrill of the arcade games. Still, the experience was enough to bubble up all the warm moments I have had playing previous entries in the series with my wife. And in time, I hope to share this with my boy. Now, for the love of all that is bubbly, can we have a new Rainbow Islands game Taito?

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Loved - Abalon
May 24, 2023

Abalon is an excellent package that brings the excitement of the tabletop experience without the need for a big table or friends, for that matter. Some may find the difficulty spikes a bit unfair in places with its battles and unfair dice rolls. But for me, this only added to the excitement of the experience. Anyone that has ever sat down for a night of tabletop gaming may recall you can have the worst run possible, but so long as you’re having fun, it doesn’t matter. And I had a lot of fun with Abalon. On appearance, it feels like another familiar fantasy dungeon crawler, yet its attention to its gameplay makes this a wondrous experience to play through. Abalon will whisk you away on an excursion for however much time you can spare.

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Overall, I’m lukewarm on HRO: Adventures of a Humanoid Resources Officer. I liked the Sci-Fi premise and world-building, but all these elements didn’t combine to make the most interesting story. Who knows, maybe I just made the wrong choices, or I’ve watched too many Sci-Fi TV shows recently, which grabbed my attention. Still, HRO has a lot going for it, with multiple solutions to problems leading to different outcomes; if the experience hooks you in, you will want to replay it multiple times. If you fancy a good read and are tired of action games, get your best brew ready and settle in for a more relaxed game night.

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May 17, 2023

If Death or Treat is your first foray into the action roguelike genre, then you will find a lot to love about it. For those more versed, you may find a very overly familiar experience that doesn’t reinvent the formula. I fall more into this latter category. I liked experimenting with the different weapons and builds before venturing off on a new run, but I felt like I’d done this all before. Death or Treat is not a bad game; it succeeds in what it sets out to do, a fun experience to grind away with a fantastic art direction. Suited to those looking for a short gaming fix or ready to settle in for a good game night. Halloween or not, you can enjoy this any day of the year.

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Liked - Transmogrify
May 16, 2023

On glancing at the game’s original Kickstarter page, I was drawn to the stretch goals, which would have included a Switch port, a new character, multiplayer and much more. So I could not help imagining the game that could’ve been. That being said, I place Transmogrify in the category of a developer making the absolute most out of a small development budget. Transmogrify is an enjoyable puzzle to play in short or long gaming bursts. The experimental design of the puzzles is rewarding. There are a few niggles with controls and the odd bug. Yet overall, I admire the developers’ effort to try something new. I liked it but didn’t love it. I hope this game does get the attention it deserves, as it would be great to see the developer build on this for their next project.

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Liked - Murtop
May 12, 2023

Overall, I liked Murtop for the small price of entry. It provides solid hopping arcade fun, doing a top job recreating the look and feel of games from that era. If you’re looking for a simple gaming hit to satisfy those retro urges, then you should be satisfied by what’s on offer. But some players might expect a little more from the experience, such as more variety in gameplay. Murtop is very much an arcade title that feels like it is from the 80s and hasn’t evolved from that era. If you’re happy with that, then it’s well worth its small asking price.

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Liked - Gematombe
May 7, 2023

Gemtombe is a good original arcade puzzle with a nice happy tone to it. As mentioned, this feels like a good beginning. But other games in the genre have had a long head start meaning this still feels like it has a bit of catching up to do. The game could just do with a bit of refinement in more areas. More depth to the puzzle gameplay, more game modes and more levels. This package is fine, but it feels like the starting point of something much better to come later. If you need a quick arcade fix, then keep this on your radar when scanning the eShop.

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Liked-a-lot - Dungeon Drafters
May 3, 2023

Dungeon Drafters mixes dungeon crawling and card mechanics and succeeds despite its familiar premise. For me, it took a while for the game to click. I was probably about ten runs deep before I decided I really liked what it was doing. Even if you’re new, don’t let the barrier to entry put you off. Dungeon Drafters provides some friendly reminders of its gameplay should you need a refresher, making it a welcoming experience for all audiences. The mechanics are deep, providing the player plenty of flexibility to go at a pace that suits them. If it does click, you’ll likely find this title will keep you busy for months, if not years, to come. Don’t let this dungeon draft by, sorry I’ll leave now.

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May 2, 2023

I really liked Nuclear Blaze. On its surface, it seems like a pretty standard platformer. But this is a game that doesn’t waste the player’s time. There was never a moment where I felt bored or felt the mechanics had outstayed their welcome. The game’s pace feels spot-on, keeping levels tight to the point and adding new abilities at the right spot. Even the difficulty is just the right challenge to keep you hooked without becoming overly frustrating. This was a game I didn’t want to put down. It set my heart ablaze, and I could not recommend it enough for all audiences

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May 1, 2023

That’s basically Lost Dream: Darkness. A bland game where you walk from one point to another. This feels like a pretty good project for a new developer testing the waters in game development. The trouble is this does nothing to stand out; there are other better wolf options or walking simulators out there. As it stands, this is something that might catch gamers’ eye as a cheap pickup on the eShop. For me, I get more soothing for my soul by going for a walk and listening to the birds. This was not the meditation session I was looking for, leaving me more confused by the presentation of the game than relaxed.

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Apr 27, 2023

Mr Sun’s Hatbox is a highly addictive mix of action and management rolled into an amusing premise. It’s a game that keeps on giving the more you put into it. The difficulty is pretty high, especially with the negative perks you have to fight against. But with the regular trickling in of content, there was always an incentive to return for another run. The biggest appeal by far was enjoying the game in short bursts, even though many sessions lasted longer if time allowed. Co-op is also a very welcome feature. I highly recommend this title, even if you’re tired of the rogue-lite formula. This one truly reworks the formula from the familiar action others tend to follow. The greatest lesson I learned from the game is the importance of taking out good insurance.

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