James Luff

512 games reviewed
67.6% of games recommended
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Liked - Hannah's Day
Jul 26, 2024

Hannah’s Day is a cosy puzzler you can likely complete over the weekend. Its focus on a follow-your-dreams narrative and simple puzzles make it perfect for casual players. While the story didn’t entirely hit the mark for me, its positive message is one we can all get behind. Whether or not you decide to pick up the skateboard and ride with Hannah, her journey is a pleasant one. There is a free demo available on Steam to try out.

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Loved - Valley Peaks
Jul 24, 2024

Valley Peaks is a climb up the mountain I didn’t expect to enjoy as much as I did. Its unique climbing mechanics make each ascent a satisfying challenge, even when things don’t go to plan. After completing each mountain, I was eager to tackle another route or simply take in the experience of exploring the valley and chatting with NPCs, something not all games compel me to do. If you’re looking for a relaxing climbing game where you might learn a little about yourself in the process, I highly recommend Valley Peaks. A free demo is available on Steam for you to try out.

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Liked-a-lot - Abathor
Jul 24, 2024

Abathor is old arcade action at its best. Rich, detailed levels with satisfying combat and platforming make this well worth picking up for anyone looking to take on its challenge. It’s certainly a challenge that may feel harsh to some players, but old-school arcade players would likely not have it any other way. For me, it felt like a game that took the excitement and instant gratification of an arcade game but felt appropriately adapted for modern players. Throw four players into the mix, and you have your next fantasy game night. Wearing costumes is optional. A free demo is available on Steam.

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Jul 15, 2024

Stolen Hearts: Wolf Knight is a charming and challenging platformer that showcases the developer’s passion and creativity. While its difficulty might deter some casual players, those who enjoy precision platformers will find plenty to love. The adorable heart creatures, inventive level design, and satisfying mechanics make it a game worth experiencing. Whether you’re in it for the thrill of perfecting your runs or simply to enjoy the quirky, heartwarming adventure, Stolen Hearts: Wolf Knight is a gem that stands out in the crowded platformer genre. Just be prepared to face the Wolf King and maybe a few frustrating jumps along the way. A free demo of the game is available on Steam.

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Jul 9, 2024

Cyber Citizen Shockman Zero is a solid retro platformer. Despite its age, it still offers plenty of fun. While it may not be the best in the series, it’s a great starting point for newcomers. With all four games now available on the Nintendo Switch, it’s worth considering for your next retro game night, especially if you can share the experience with a friend.

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Overall, this is easily the best way to enjoy Parasol Stars on modern systems. For me, it’s probably not the strongest game in the Bubble Bobble trilogy. But in no way dismisses all the elements this game gets right. It is an upbeat action arcade game that you can enjoy alone or with a loved one. An art style that explodes positivity. And, of course, a few quality-of-life improvements to make this version of the game welcoming to old and new fans alike. If it’s raining outside, consider your next retro gaming session sorted.

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Liked-a-lot - Luigi's Mansion 2 HD
Jul 4, 2024

Ghost catching never felt so good in a spooky yet positive experience. It’s a combination of two themes only Nintendo can seem to pull off. If you have never had the chance to play Luigi’s Mansion 2, then this is the best way to experience the game. There may not be a lot of incentive for players who invested heavily in the 3DS version of the game to return. However, I was left smiling from ear to ear through much of my playthrough playing Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD. If your world is feeling a little dark these days, then maybe Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD will shine a light on your day for a few gaming sessions at a time.

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Liked-a-lot - Neosprint
Jun 27, 2024

Although I’m not overly familiar with the original arcade game, I really enjoyed my time with NeoSprint. A back-to-basics approach to a racing game with tight controls and fun pick-up-and-play gameplay to enjoy alone or with friends locally. The track editor also provides extra value, allowing you to exercise your creative skills or, if you prefer, just download other players’ tracks and enjoy them at your leisure. Content seems a touch lacking in places with no online play and new cars to unlock. NeoSprint took me back to a simpler time in the racing genre without the gimmicks, and I was very happy with the time I spent there. If nothing else, it is a highly recommended game night game with loved ones.

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Jun 19, 2024

Mouse & Crane certainly does a good job appealing to its target audience. Excellent voice acting and a warm-hearted story which is warm and uplifting will hopefully capture their attention. The gameplay, though simple, feels engaging enough to exercise those little brains. The experience certainly feels most fitting to be played with a parent (even in single-player). Consider picking this up for your 4-7-year-old, and who knows, maybe this will create a warm memory for the two of you to cherish for years to come.

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May 25, 2024

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles was a very nice platforming surprise. With huge open levels filled with things to do and places to explore, it’s hard not to be impressed by the game’s presentation. Things are a little let down by the game’s shallow combat, but I can’t deny that I had a lot of fun playing through this game. Bang-On Balls: Chronicles is an ideal pick if you’re looking for an instant pick-up and play platforming experience just to get lost in for a few gaming sessions. Throw in the ability to play with friends and you also may have a game night game to enjoy too. Don’t let this one roll on by, take a look and if nothing else add it to your wishlist. For many players, video games are just about having fun, and Bang-on Balls certainly achieves that.

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Liked-a-lot - Goliath Depot
May 24, 2024

I really liked Goliath Depot. Although it’s a unique idea, it feels like it would be worthy of its very own oversized cabinet. It’s pick-up-and-play arcade goodness that’s appealing to retro fans and even those dipping into the genre for the first time. Ideal for the busy gamer with only a short amount of gaming time to spare. There are also plenty of reasons to play, whether it’s to unlock new abilities, attempt a high score or even enjoy the experience with a friend. It falls slightly short of not allowing the player to customize difficulty. But if you’re just looking to revisit the arcade days but with something different, then be sure to check out Goliath Depot.

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Liked-a-lot - Astro Pig
May 15, 2024

Astro Pig is quite the delightful puzzler that will most certainly appeal to those looking for a chilled-out gaming experience. Puzzles are challenging but not frustrating. With its relaxing vibes and soundtrack, this seems an ideal pick-up if you only have a short amount of gaming time to spare. The additional mini-games and the ability to create your own music only add to the charm of the game. If you’re looking for your next feel-good experience to enjoy with a good drink, Astro Pig will take you to the stars for your next gaming session.

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May 7, 2024

Rainbow Cotton is okay but not great. The developers have had a valiant crack at bringing the game to Nintendo Switch and adding a few modern touches. Unfortunately, some core problems with the game still persist. Like many games that started strong in 2D, the transition to 3D hasn’t worked great for Cotton. Shooting doesn’t feel that satisfying; movement is sluggish, and difficulty is very unbalanced in places. The game does shine with its presentation and graphics. Overall, I settled on liking the game myself. But I would say this is really only for the retro and die-hard Cotton fans. If you’re starting your Cotton adventure, I would suggest trying Cotton Reboot and circling back to this if the series clicks with you.

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Shockman 3 will not appeal to everyone, but I liked this game. The gameplay formula is very simple and probably hasn’t aged as well as other entries in the series. However, with its over-exaggerated anime presentation and tight controls, I had an absolute blast with it. Easy to recommend to fans of the series or retro gamers. But if retro is not your thing, you can give this one a miss. Still, for a low price point, even the curious should consider giving this a go just to see how great the PC Engine CD was.

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Liked-a-lot - Hexguardian
May 2, 2024

Hexguardian won me over with its simple but addictive gameplay. While the familiar foundations of a tower defence game are all here, the random generation and ability to manipulate the terrain made this a game I was keen to jump back into run after run. I guess if you absolutely despise the tower defence genre, this may not be the case for you. But if you’re looking for a fun game to enjoy in long or short bursts and you don’t mind playing on PC, then this is well worth picking up or at least adding to your wishlist. For me, the game is Hex-Cellent. If you want to try it first, there is a free demo available on Steam.

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Liked-a-lot - Sagres
Apr 23, 2024

Sagres feels right at home on the Nintendo Switch, especially in handheld mode. It is an addictive adventure that can be picked up in long and short bursts that will particularly appeal to players who like numbers and stats. The difficulty can spike a bit unfairly in places, and missions can sometimes feel repetitive. But with an addictive gameplay loop and impressive detail to history and geography, Sagres is currently looking like one of the best hidden gems this year. If you’re looking for something different to become immersed in, then I highly recommend sailing the seas of the eShop to find this.

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Apr 22, 2024

Lunar Lander Beyond was a mixed experience for me. On the one hand, I liked how the game maintained the control scheme from the original, requiring patience and careful control to succeed in missions. The different ships, upgrades and pilot perks also add some satisfying variety to keep you interested till the end of the game. The reasonably short mission structure would also appeal to busy gamers who can only fit a few short sessions in here and there. Features I wasn’t so fond of was the stress meter which felt more like a nuisance than a rewarding challenge to overcome. Also, the missions, while showing some variety, felt a bit repetitive at times. Do I recommend the game? Yes. Lunar Lander Beyond is different from a lot of games on the market, and so long as you go in with a patient mindset, I think you’ll have fun with it.

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Apr 21, 2024

Ready, Steady, Ship! is another example of a game that turns a real-world occupation into something silly but ultimately fun. That is provided you’re playing in co-op. Single-player is not awful, but it highlights some of the game’s niggles, such as floaty controls, wonky physics and the experience feeling more mundane. But throw a controller at another player, and much of this is overlooked since you can just sit back and have fun with the silliness on screen. Add to the star system not being tied to a time limit, and you also have an experience that’s welcoming to those who have found other co-op games a tad stressful. Need another game night for two? Then consider Ready, Steady, Ship! for your next purchase.

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Liked-a-lot - The Planet Crafter
Apr 12, 2024

The Planet Crafter provides a free new injection of green life to the survival genre. As opposed to starting in a forest and chopping trees down. You are instead creating that forest from nothing. The game employs familiar crafting and survival elements that have been seen in many other games. I think the only deterrent to some players is there is a lot of busy work in this game that may not click with people not taken with the genre in previous attempts. However, if you are new to the genre, Planet Crafter is a great starting point. And if you are a fan of the genre, it brings plenty of that addictive crafting gameplay and exploration, which will keep you hooked for some time. Add onto that the ability to play with friends, and you may just have your next online game, a night game. As for me, I can see myself jumping on this on Steam Deck for some time in the coming year and possibly beyond.

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Liked-a-lot - Freedom Planet 2
Apr 2, 2024

Freedom Planet 2. takes all its assets from the first game and builds on them in every way creating a sequel that is more polished. If you loved the first game or retro platformers, this is a must-buy. Even if you just want a solid good platformer, Freedom Planet 2 provides some solid entertainment to keep you busy for several gaming weekends, with plenty of incentive to return again. For me, the story was a bit too heavy in places, and the performance sometimes slowed. But despite these minor niggles it’s hard not to be sucked in by the charm of Freedom Planet 2.

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