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1689 games reviewed
70.7% of games recommended's Reviews

Liked - Hannah's Day
Jul 26, 2024

Hannah’s Day is a cosy puzzler you can likely complete over the weekend. Its focus on a follow-your-dreams narrative and simple puzzles make it perfect for casual players. While the story didn’t entirely hit the mark for me, its positive message is one we can all get behind. Whether or not you decide to pick up the skateboard and ride with Hannah, her journey is a pleasant one. There is a free demo available on Steam to try out.

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Liked-a-lot - The Garden Path
Jul 26, 2024

The depth and breadth of The Garden Path are so extensive and coupled with real-time interaction that it’s hard to review after only a few days of play. My initial thoughts on this exquisite, hand-crafted game were positive. The artwork is stunning, the dialogue witty, and the mystery intriguing. But as time progressed, and I was slowed down by my excessive collecting, coupled with the lack of direction, my enthusiasm plummeted. However, I pushed through the barriers of frustration, had the Eureka moment, and started to understand where The Garden Path was going. This is not a game for the faint-hearted. If you like bright colours and clear guidance, look for a different game. But, just like in real life, the more time and effort you invest, the more reward you get, especially when it comes to gardening. The Garden Path is truly a remarkable game. Unlike anything I’ve encountered before, I’m left wanting to know more and play more. It was close to getting our highest rating, but the lack of clarity on some of the mechanics and the snail’s pace penalty for hoarding means:

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Liked-a-lot - Tokyo Xanadu eX+
Jul 25, 2024

Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is a fresh port of an older game to a system that makes it accessible to almost anyone who wants a stellar, if overpopulated, and socially complicated, action RPG. That makes it a fine ambassador for the genre in general and even a comfortable introduction to Falcom’s particular brand of world-building and visual style. Combat has enough variables to keep you busy with a streamlined palette of options, although there will be a bit of a skill hurdle for those taking on their first game of this type. But with no downside to tweaking the difficulty and tons of resources available for you to use, the game genuinely feels like it wants you to succeed at playing it, which is going to be refreshing to anyone who has friends fighting their way through the Elden Ring expansion. Around here, we know we’re looking for a good time in our games, a fun time, and an experience that doesn’t leave us feeling too much like we’ve lost the joy of gaming. Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is an odd pick for a cozy experience, and yet, it absolutely can be, with a pace that’s quicker and livelier than its Persona peers. I’m happy to be a fan of Falcom in general, and I think this is a great game for chill gamers looking to explore a niche they otherwise might skip.

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Loved - Valley Peaks
Jul 24, 2024

Valley Peaks is a climb up the mountain I didn’t expect to enjoy as much as I did. Its unique climbing mechanics make each ascent a satisfying challenge, even when things don’t go to plan. After completing each mountain, I was eager to tackle another route or simply take in the experience of exploring the valley and chatting with NPCs, something not all games compel me to do. If you’re looking for a relaxing climbing game where you might learn a little about yourself in the process, I highly recommend Valley Peaks. A free demo is available on Steam for you to try out.

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Liked-a-lot - Abathor
Jul 24, 2024

Abathor is old arcade action at its best. Rich, detailed levels with satisfying combat and platforming make this well worth picking up for anyone looking to take on its challenge. It’s certainly a challenge that may feel harsh to some players, but old-school arcade players would likely not have it any other way. For me, it felt like a game that took the excitement and instant gratification of an arcade game but felt appropriately adapted for modern players. Throw four players into the mix, and you have your next fantasy game night. Wearing costumes is optional. A free demo is available on Steam.

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Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure is a game focused on the core experience of exploration and puzzle-solving. It brings a refreshing twist to the RPG genre. Its innovative grid system, storytelling, and visuals make it a standout title for me on the Nintendo Switch. The game’s unique approach to movement, exploration, and combat, combined with its story, ensures that it will leave a lasting impression on players. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to the genre, Arranger is an adventure worth embarking on.

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Loved - Été
Jul 22, 2024

Été is a relaxing painting game with a summery feel, gorgeous visuals, and a lovely soundtrack. It feels perfect for this ridiculously hot summer when the best thing we can do is stay inside and wait for the heat wave to pass. But you know, it will also be perfect for the cold months when we need a reminder of what summer feels like.

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Loved - Weyrdlets
Jul 22, 2024

Weyrdlets is an incredible game that offers players the chance to take care of a virtual pet whilst also helping with productivity and mindfulness. Weyrdlets is a virtual pet that is less demanding than a Tamagotchi whilst offering a unique experience in the genre. I’m looking forward to hanging out with my Weyrdlet after I’ve finished writing this.

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Liked-a-lot - Riven
Jul 21, 2024

Overall, I loved this Riven. It’s stunning; the new and updated puzzles are brilliant and fun, the music is amazing, the sound design is flawless, and everything in it is so beautiful. I did have a little bit of an issue with the game running poorly and having to turn the graphics way down, and I also didn’t like the character models. But overall, the translation from an old-school point-and-click to an updated version of itself went rather splendidly. I never played the remake of Myst from 2020, but I’m thinking I might have to go back and do just that now that I have seen how beautiful the new Riven is.

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Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys not a perfect game, but it’s a welcomed and awaited sequel to a great detective game series. It certainly improves on the previous game, Midnight in Salem, and we can only hope the next game will be even better.

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Jul 17, 2024

Lunch Box Ready is a charming game that encourages players to embrace their inner organization skills. While the limited kitchen upgrades and repetitive customer interactions may hinder long-term engagement, it still offers a delightful experience for the short playtime. Though the potential for replayability may be lacking, there is still enjoyment to be found in managing your virtual lunch box business.

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Jul 16, 2024

Magical Delicacy is easily one of my best games this year. I can’t think of anything big that I didn’t like, and I look forward to playing it again.

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Liked-a-lot - SCHiM
Jul 15, 2024

SCHiM is truly a fascinating game concept that seamlessly blends platforming, exploration, and puzzles to deliver an incredibly engaging and thought-provoking experience. The way it intertwines these elements creates a captivating and immersive world for players to get lost in. You can expect to be challenged and entertained in equal measure as you navigate through this unique and innovative game. The only thing that knocks it down a rating for me is purely the frequent crashes I experienced.

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Jul 15, 2024

Stolen Hearts: Wolf Knight is a charming and challenging platformer that showcases the developer’s passion and creativity. While its difficulty might deter some casual players, those who enjoy precision platformers will find plenty to love. The adorable heart creatures, inventive level design, and satisfying mechanics make it a game worth experiencing. Whether you’re in it for the thrill of perfecting your runs or simply to enjoy the quirky, heartwarming adventure, Stolen Hearts: Wolf Knight is a gem that stands out in the crowded platformer genre. Just be prepared to face the Wolf King and maybe a few frustrating jumps along the way. A free demo of the game is available on Steam.

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Magret & FaceDeBouc combines storytelling with absurd and humour to create a unique point-and-click adventure. While its crude humour may not be for everyone, those who enjoy a mix of mystery and dark comedy will find it an entertaining addition to their library. Just be sure to keep it away from the kids!

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Jul 14, 2024

Aarik and the Ruined Kingdom is fun, challenging, and unique in the genre. I really liked the puzzles; some of them were incredibly difficult. Without being esoteric or so out there, I would never have gotten them. I enjoyed that main aspect of this game, and I’m so happy I got to play it. On the other hand, Aarik and the Ruined Kingdom has many issues. I hope that the team contacts me with a message about how to complete that final achievement. Also, I hope that’s not the true ending because I would be so sad if it were.

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Jul 12, 2024

If you enjoy finding objects, Shy Dogs Hidden Orchestra is a great game to add to your collection. The cute puppies and glorious landscapes, together with no timer and all the worlds available at the start, make for an enjoyable experience. The added twist of solving a puzzle to unlock the final shy dog adds an extra challenge. If frustration sets in at finding those last few pups, conduct your collected puppies to play a pleasant tune instead!

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Liked-a-lot - DROS
Jul 12, 2024

Dros is a fun and enjoyable game. I had a blast with the gameplay and puzzled my way to the exits. It is a timeless tale of two characters joining forces and discovering their similarities, and it is well executed. The combination of stealthy manoeuvres as you play as Dros and then the brute force of the Captain, all paired with great presentation, makes this game a memorable and enjoyable experience.

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Jul 11, 2024

The Last Alchemist truly stands out in the adventure simulation genre, offering a refreshing experience for players. The captivating visuals draw you in, while the intriguing narrative keeps you engaged. But what truly steals the show are the Agari – delightful and endearing beings that inject humour and cuteness into the game. It’s rare to come across such charming characters, making The Last Alchemist a truly heartwarming experience.

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Liked-a-lot - KAKU: Ancient Seal
Jul 10, 2024

KAKU: Ancient Seal is a captivating open-world RPG that successfully combines a rich narrative, combat, and immersive exploration. Its ancient fantasy setting, together with innovative gameplay mechanics, makes it a great title in the genre. Whether you’re a fan of epic quests and strategic combat or love exploring beautifully crafted worlds, KAKU: Ancient Seal is a journey worth undertaking.

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