Margaret David
Trolls vs. Vikings: Reborn isn’t reinventing the tower defense genre, but for those who love the simple yet complex options of similar games like Plants vs. Zombies, this is going to be a welcome treat. With accessible difficulty and intuitive handling, it’s easy to drop a lot of time noodling around with your tactical options, feeling clever until you’re ready to up the heat on yourself. That makes Trolls vs. Vikings a good contender for your first tower defense-style game, too. For those who like tougher challenges, Trolls vs. Vikings has your back, too. The Valhalla difficulty challenges are exactly that: beat them, and you can rest knowing that Odin himself might admire your strategic wits. Me, I’ll be in the back playing Normal with the old dude’s ravens, Hugin and Munin. They cheat, but they’re good listeners.
Grimoire Groves has an active ad campaign that claims some of its early players are calling it a mix of Hades and Animal Crossing. It is neither of those things. The NPCs aren’t dynamic, they aren’t your neighbors, and they will become the source of your headaches. The combat isn’t Hades, because it quickly becomes onerous and grindy, and I felt zero joy when I beat the first boss. The combat isn’t smooth, either; aiming your spells is inexact, and only the lack of enemy damage keeps that from being a gamekiller itself. This is a game I desperately looked forward to, and I work hard to be gentle in my reviews, because I can admire the effort. I wanted to be gentle this time, but my partner put his hand on my arm and pointed out that I literally screamed at my Steam Deck in frustration. Grimoire Groves is polished and pretty, put together by people who clearly know what they’re doing, and yet somehow forgot to make the game loop fun to repeat. I cannot recommend it. It made me angry and unhappy to continue, and nothing was satisfying about the loop or its characters. I hope it will improve, but it’s going to take a lot to bring me around for another try.
If you’re already a Trails fan, The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is a no-brainer of a purchase, kicking off a fast-paced story on all fours and ready for you to catch up to what’s going on. If you’re new to the franchise, at the very least, I recommend you start with the first Daybreak, but the game does what it can to bring you into a new episode of Van Arkride’s weighty life with the information you need to understand why he cares deeply about some people you’re meeting for the first time. The only major question is what format you want to play in, and if you prefer to make the Switch your JRPG machine, you won’t be disappointed with Daybreak II’s performance. It’s a cozy way to play a convoluted (affectionate) story in a world that’s already weathered countless trials, and is up for weathering a few more. Another solid entry for a grande dame franchise.
Defender’s Quest 2: Mists of Ruin is going to offer up some happy times to people who’ve been wanting more of this particular franchise’s jaunty style and accessible RPG/defense gameplay. I also believe this game is a good option for new players, with some familiar bits from other genres — I really like the skill trees, for some reason — and a pause function that also allows you to catch your breath, move tactically, and even aim your ship’s weapons. That removes a lot of stress from real time gaming. While my review copy did have some issues, they were disclosed up front and I’m confident in this developer’s ability to go after any big problems swiftly enough that most people aren’t going to know they were ever present. And with an interesting story featuring some genuinely great characters, there’s more than enough reason to give Defender’s Quest 2: Mists of Ruin a good, solid try even if you’re not normally a tower defense fan. A pleasant surprise, and a great way to zone out from the world for a little while.
My final thumb score is not a reflection of negativity or confusion in this case, but a combined assessment as a reviewer and a big cheer as a fan of both the JRPG genre and new creators showing off what they’ve already learned to do. Keep at it, Kevin Musto. I think you’ve got the will to work up your skills.
Sword of the Necromancer: Resurrected updates and smoothes over a number of its original issues, but several still remain. Still, it’s a passionate game telling a story of two women in love. It’s terrific that this is no longer as original or rare as it was at the time, but like explaining the Barbie movie to friends who felt we didn’t need more basic introductions to feminism, there is always room for more gentle introductions and reminders that the love we have to share with each other matters. No matter who they are. Because it is desperately easy to find ourselves in shadowed worlds that want us to forget that. The result of the remaster is still an imperfect game, but there’s something about it that keeps you going in spite of its flaws. It’s a great time for a reintroduction, and I hope it’s welcomed by the audience it needs. It didn’t click all the way with me, gameplay wise, but I love the monster designs and the story hit the right notes. Take my final verdict with plenty of wiggle room — this one is going to be highly subjective per player, but worth visiting.
Threefold Recital is a delightful surprise, a friendly trip through a fantastical vision of China. Its science fiction and spiritual elements intertwine in ways I never would have thought of, creating a world I genuinely haven’t seen represented before. Its world of animal and human characters come together in neat ways, and as someone who is a big fan of Blacksad (a fantastic, Eisner-winning European noir graphic novel series that’s for mature audiences), this feels closer to the video game that series deserved. Each main character is unique and charming, making it easy to care about the story they’ve gotten themselves mixed up in. It’s a rich enough world that I hope someday we get to learn even more about it. Initially and quickly charmed, I’ve sat with it just long enough to realize I genuinely love this game, and though I didn’t beat it before the deadline, I’ll be keeping at it until I find out what really happened to the tenth dragon emperor. A delight worth a chance.
LOK Digital is a remarkable translation of a pen and pencil puzzle game into something that can easily be picked up and played as a video game, and some of that is due in part to publishers Draknek & Friends, who’ve brought equally delightful games like A Monsters Expedition to Steam. The new dimension allows the world of the LOKs to come to life in even more vibrant ways — despite their monochrome world — and even the puzzles themselves go through some neat changes to suit the environment. It’s a delight to enter a new section of the game and see what the little blobs are up to now, and the game’s thoughtful pacing reduces frustration when new words are introduced. Instead, it’s a little jolt of delight to figure out something new, and it’s a great motivation to keep growing in this strange little world. With some 90-odd puzzles (and dailies), it’s a game you’ll be sad to wrap up. A pleasant treat and a great wintertime relaxer.
Reindeer Story is the sort of game meant for people who enjoy very old-school RPGs and who want to support new developers who put a lot of very visible effort into something they genuinely care about doing. It’s far from a perfect game; its deliberate archaicness is going to make it feel sluggish and even difficult for some newer gamers, and there are occasional minor errors like misspelt or badly wrapped text. In the game’s defence, I remember professionally distributed NES and SNES games having these issues, too, so I don’t consider these big flaws. The game’s biggest draw is its charming story, which starts from some familiar but copyright-safe origins and then begins to spread into the sillier mythos of Christmas. Fans of the equally cornball Zeboyd games (Cthulhu Saves the World, etc.) are probably the best base from which to support developer Azzie in whatever project they’re ready to tackle next. And I do hope they keep going. Available at a budget price on Steam and filled with plenty to do, it’s not a game I can easily recommend to a casual cozy gamer. But for those willing to share some Christmas spirit and slice off a whack of some actually pretty tasty fruitcake, I hope you give it a visit. It’s a little funky, but I can’t help but admire its charm.
Touhou Genso Wanderer – FORESIGHT – is a lovely jump-in point for both the Touhou Project and the roguelike genre, both of which are great things for the long-term prosperity of any franchise. While it’s not as in-depth as other Mystery Dungeon games, and though its anime plot of mikos and mystics versus the world may be pretty alien to anyone unfamiliar with the home franchise, it does well with what it has and keeps its focus on those new arrivals who don’t know all the decades-long interactions between these characters. While the price point is, in my opinion, a little steep for what you’re getting in terms of complexity and potential gameplay hours, I will say that’s not unusual for Mystery Dungeon-style games, either. A sale price and some curiosity about the genre make it a must-buy; a regular price means doing some research and thinking if you’ll enjoy a gently-paced introduction to a world that rarely welcomes outsiders. On the whole, I’m charmed with this game. For veterans annoyed with its comparative simplicity, it’s also succeeded at the most important duty of all: it made me curious about other games in the franchise. Now, that’s how you win.
The Puzzle Maker: Cebba’s Odyssey is the kind of puzzle game that’s going to seem intimately familiar at first, but a depth of puzzle craft and detail makes it into something all its own. At first glance, it’s easy to see a little of Fire Emblem inside the game, with its variety of unique pixel art units and movements. After a little fussing, you’ll probably also think of Into the Breach, where the order of operations as you start your turn makes the difference between victory and defeat. But Cebba quickly takes over its own niche, and it does so well enough that it can become something fresh for dedicated puzzle fans to chew on. The only ‘quibble’ is that, wow, these puzzles begin to escalate in a way that hyper-focused minds might start to feel genuinely overwhelmed by midgame. But the game is also untimed and chill about letting you figure it out at your own speed, mitigating the issue well. I’ll also say that I didn’t fuss with the make-your-own puzzle portion of the game, as it’s purely optional, and I am Bad At Such Things. I will say that the same controls work well there, and wiser minds than mine might enjoy the option!
Cricket: Jae’s Really Peculiar Game has a lot of style and a lot of heart, and the people who grew up on both Earthbound and Super Mario RPG are going to find something here that scratches a hard-to-reach itch. But like its predecessors, it’s going to be a little sturdier of an opponent than you think, and mastery of combat and awareness of its quirks is going to be key as to whether or not this game is going to be for you in the long term.
WitchSpring R isn’t just a solid JRPG for fans looking for a new title; it’s a great choice for someone’s first foray into the genre. With a well-paced series of tutorials and new options fed at a pace easy enough for anyone to comprehend, it’s also a game that’s not looking to make itself difficult for you. The plot may be simple, but it’s also adorably presented, bracketed by flourishes that are intriguing and inventive without simply being dark. In fact, it’s a game that feels like it’s saying that the past, while hard to forget, can be overcome by kindness and understanding. Pieberry is a good kid, and while she does have choices ahead of her, it’s easy to want to nurture her innocence and charm. It’s a game that’s a great fit for the Switch and a definite no-brainer for anyone looking for a classic turn-based joy ride.
Horticular is the spiritual follow-up to Viva Piñata cozy gamers have been craving for years. While its style isn’t as modern or as polished as some would like, it’s hard to deny the charm of this pixelated wonderland. Its controls are simple and intuitive, and new wrinkles to the gameplay are added at a pace quick enough to keep you interested but without overwhelming you. It’s also a game that wants you to take your time with it, giving you plenty of reasons to slow down, plant the flowers you want to sniff, and just hang around and admire what you made for a while before jumping off to your next chosen goal. It’s a game that’s received a shockingly low amount of coverage, and I’m hoping that more reviews like this one will help it reach the audience it deserves
Elrentaros Wanderings commits the only gaming sin I can’t forgive: It makes me sad to play it. There’s still life in the character’s art styles, and there’s the glimmer of something here for those who liked niche but crocs-and-lattes basic ARPGS like Heroes of Ruin or that 3DS Phantasy Star game that also left me depressed. But the results are limp, and the colors run together into a generic anime mush. I’m not going to give this game our worst score; it runs well, and as I say, it will find a few players who wanted something like the equally streamlined Snack World, without its particular twee nonsense. But as a full-price game with a pedigree that used to bring hope and cheer to its audience, I am genuinely disappointed with the results. A little research will bring up some Japanese discussions for its original release, and I’m only slightly heartened to see I’m not the only person with similar complaints. Thus, I’m not sure I can recommend it with a fair heart, unless you are really hankering for a no-frills mobile-style ARPG. Certainly not at full price. Friends, Rune Factory 5 was a chunky step back from the franchise’s heights. Buy it’s on sale anyway, to remind HAKAMA that we still hope for more from them… as long as it’s not this.
Leximan is an incredibly charming, slapstick take on puzzle games designed for players who can learn to love the world of words in all of its goofy potential. As clunky as it all seems, it’s a game with a lot more going on behind the scenes than you’d imagine, and its cleverness is never used to make you feel like you’re doing something wrong. Instead, joke answers and silliness can lead to ah-ha! moments, and the occasional groan if you know what sins puns commit upon society. The gameplay is lighthearted and low on stress, making it a terrific wind-down puzzler for someone who doesn’t feel like reading the next chapter of their book just yet or has already beat the NYT crossword of the day. The game’s world is well thought out, and, for players tired of reclusive wizarding societies built on controversy, this one is gentle and clever and saves its barbs for big-ticket issues like individualism and capitalism without making it a preach piece. On the whole, Leximan is a terrific summer surprise, a unique game that finds a niche and cozies itself into it with the warmth of a favorite afghan. I’m delighted to recommend this game with a whole heart, and I hope you’ll give it a chance, too.
Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is a fresh port of an older game to a system that makes it accessible to almost anyone who wants a stellar, if overpopulated, and socially complicated, action RPG. That makes it a fine ambassador for the genre in general and even a comfortable introduction to Falcom’s particular brand of world-building and visual style. Combat has enough variables to keep you busy with a streamlined palette of options, although there will be a bit of a skill hurdle for those taking on their first game of this type. But with no downside to tweaking the difficulty and tons of resources available for you to use, the game genuinely feels like it wants you to succeed at playing it, which is going to be refreshing to anyone who has friends fighting their way through the Elden Ring expansion. Around here, we know we’re looking for a good time in our games, a fun time, and an experience that doesn’t leave us feeling too much like we’ve lost the joy of gaming. Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is an odd pick for a cozy experience, and yet, it absolutely can be, with a pace that’s quicker and livelier than its Persona peers. I’m happy to be a fan of Falcom in general, and I think this is a great game for chill gamers looking to explore a niche they otherwise might skip.
Whispers in the Moss is one of the most unique games I’ve had the pleasure to try in the last twenty years, yet it’s as comfortable and familiar to play (once you’ve got your controls sorted) as a Dragon Quest game. The developer’s love for the auld days comes through pure, and every moment of the twelve years of work he put into this project is visible on the screen, in hand-edited art pieces of a style so out of date as to be computer archaeology. It’s not going to be for everyone, as the aesthetic may be too much for some to overcome, even with a few optional color palettes to help with personal taste or eyesight issues. But there’s a love for computer history in the game that gives it an irrepressible charm, and if you grew up fumbling with the ASCII graphics on your old Commodore 64/128, you’re going to feel right at home in these woods.
Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge blends its real-world science with a method of show-don’t tell that makes it less intimidating than Apico, a game which I adored and which also reminded me how much I’d forgotten from my science classes so many decades ago. It’s also committed to a soft, comfy aesthetic that, even if you’ve never looked at frogs as cute before, this game will teach you why so many people just love froggies. I think my only silly quibble is the lack of audible ‘ribbits;’ just give me a vague background cacophony of happy, croaky little noises. It’s possible it’s something I’ll find as I get even deeper into the game! But that’s so minor and specific to me and isn’t a real complaint at all. The prettiness of this game and its lack of interest in stressing you about time is going to make it a soothing experience for a lot of people. The only way in this game is forward, but at the pace you choose. Pick up and play, or hyper-focus on it; it’s all entirely up to you! The frogs will love you to bits no matter what.
Coffee Caravan is a surprising riff on one of today’s most popular subgenres, and what’s more surprising is that it works pretty well, so long as what you want is a game that speed runs you through a sleek restaurant management sim with the promise of some useful goodies to unlock. I found the harder options to be pretty intimidating at first, but catching the rhythm of brewing, serving, cleaning, and then doing it again is a lot of fun in short bursts, and the lack of harsh consequences means you don’t feel burned for trying. That said, it really is a game best played in short sessions, and its quick run times make that easy and fun to do without risking burnout. The gradual recipe unlocks also adds variety without being overwhelming, and the result is a well-done, small-scale game that handles its strange little niche quite smoothly. Its minimalism and short-run flair mean it might not be for everyone. Still, for those looking for a quick visit to the land of Zen and the Art of Coffee, Coffee Caravan is a determined offering that stays grounded in the world of sims yet whimsical enough to throw that gentle rogue-lite style in the mix.