Chris Thursten
A sandbox of extraordinary scope created with a masterful attention to detail. A patchy campaign doesn't spoil this wonderful, evocative city.
Beautiful, well-written, and with an exciting finish, this is a strong start for Inquisition DLC.
Restrictive design decisions sap the energy from a series that revels in it, and technical issues deal the killing blow.
Wonderful writing resting on top of infirm foundations. Almost a classic, Sunless Sea falls a few leagues short of its final destination.
A great game and, with time, potentially a classic. Much rests on Frontier's ability to build on these broad but somewhat shallow foundations.
An adept and satisfying puzzle game with a narrative that requires a bit of player investment to yield its biggest rewards.
Once more with feeling: this is a fine if familiar base game with great creative tools.
A little obtuse in places, but otherwise this is the best new RPG in years. Demands your time and your brain, but it's worth it.
Charming, clever and funny, this is one of the best new platformers on the PC at the moment. Recommended.
You can blow a Nazi to pieces among some lovingly-designed sixties furnishings and probably should.
A few well-designed systems struggle to overcome lifeless presentation. Capable, but ultimately hard to recommend.
The most exciting multiplayer shooter in recent years, held back from greatness by its questionable staying power.
Great in places, but never quite lives up to its potential. A competent sequel let down by inconsistency.
An exciting, kinetic single-screen multiplayer with excellent level design, but little to reward the solo player.
Structural innovations and strong presentation, held back by grind and an old-fashioned business model.
A massive action-RPG in a small package. A few misjudged dalliances with the past don't hold it back from a bright future.