Rachel Hanover

1 games reviewed
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Liked - CrossCode
Jul 9, 2020

It is clear that Radical Fish Games is a devoted and talented developer who wants to make an excellent game. I think that if you love long sci-fi or fantasy RPGs, you’ll absolutely love this. If you want a game guaranteed to give you your money’s worth, CrossCode will satisfy. But you should be warned: this game is very grindy, the story beats are spaced hours apart, and the dungeons are as aggravating as they are punishing. This game is insanely popular, but as I get older, I don’t have the mental willpower to push myself through a 50+ hour grindfest laced with aggravating puzzle-platforming. If you are young, or young at heart, you’ll find a lot to like about this game, but if you’re a busy adult who doesn’t like long, difficult games, CrossCode asks a lot of your time and patience.

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