Skip Zepeda

5 games reviewed
70.0 average score
70 median score
60.0% of games recommended
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Jun 25, 2019

My issues with the story are that it tells you the specifics once, in large information dumps during key scenes, and then expects you to remember it all through the depressing dialogue and obtuse combat. I wanted things to be more fun, I wanted the dialogue to make me laugh and be full of hidden jokes and respectable interactions. Instead, everything is a chore to read and a punishment to experience. I really wanted a fulfilling journey for Alex and his friends, and I didn’t feel like we earned that goal based on most if not all of the dialogue in this game. It was all very depressing and felt like it had been written specifically with self-reflection in mind. I felt like YIIK was a game made to analyze. I wished it carried those critical elements of fun and enjoyment. Even though the world was beyond interesting to look at, its contents and message were just unnecessarily padded with inner monologue. It took me roughly 30 hours to beat the main story and begin some of the side extras. YIIK will cost you $19.99 on PC, PS4, or Nintendo Switch.

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Nov 15, 2018

All in all, I was expecting more from Trove Geode. More lairs and bosses, more community-designed loot and masks, and more sprawling adventures. Instead, I received a welcome distraction from the usual Trove activities, one that was not my cup of tea after a few hours but could be rewarding and relaxing for those seeking less hectic Trove tasks. Trove Geode was an interesting experience. I enjoyed the user-crafted loot drops and the Bomber Royale mode was a lot of fun. The caverns felt like a slog and didn’t offer enough engaging tasks to keep me at the grind. I’m still figuring out how to expertly pace myself between Bomber Royale and the Geode world cave exploration. The sweet spot I found was in balancing the two.

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Apr 7, 2020

I enjoyed my time with ORANGEBLOOD. It is very rough around the edges and while the story is not a very optimistic one, the style and flavor that the world of hardened criminals and punk city aesthetic has going for it, is something I had a lot of fun with. I would like to see what the developers can come up with again though, maybe with a more cohesive story, a more likeable protagonist, or strictly speaking, more resources to make a bigger game in this style. I got plenty of hours out of ORANGEBLOOD. It took me about 12-15 hours to finish and 20 to complete those pesky chests and extra items to search for. With an asking price of $19.99 you will get your money’s worth in my opinion. This game was so close to being something really special, I urge you to give it a try if you’re intrigued by the setting or need an RPG with a different style going for it.

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Dec 13, 2019

I spent over ten hours playing OUTBUDDIES and I still could easily have stretched that out to twenty or more with all of the hidden areas and secrets. It is really up to you and how much you like backtracking to determine how much enjoyment you will get out of OUTBUDDIES. I got my money’s worth but I could have used a little more direction. OUTBUDDIES is currently available here on Steam for $17.99. It will be out Q1 2020 on PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One. I think that the price was very reasonable given the amount of exploration in this game. I’m sure if you like Metroidvanias then your dollar will stretch very far with this game.

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Oct 7, 2019

Seasoned action fans or those who can master the parrying and dodging well enough could probably beat it quicker. I’m not that great at difficult games so Minoria often slapped me repeatedly when failing a parry or dodge. I still thoroughly enjoyed being slapped around though, Minoria was very well worth the time. It will soon be available on Nintendo Switch and is now out on PC via Steam for $19.99.

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