Seth Hay

138 games reviewed
80.3 average score
80 median score
79.7% of games recommended
Nov 8, 2019

Disgaea 4 Complete+ has everything a tactical RPG fan wants, including a can of sardines. The humorous dialogue, enjoyable characters, and the sheer amount of content make the game difficult to put down. Plus, the port job to the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 was done remarkably well, so the game looks and runs great. In short, it’s an excellent game for on-the-go or at home and one of the best tactical RPGs today, dood!

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5 / 5.0 - Owlboy
Mar 12, 2018

Owlboy is stellar game that well-deserves a spot on your console. The vibrant, detailed world, interesting characters, interactive gameplay, and soundtrack makes Owlboy not just one of the best indie games but one of the best platformers.

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5 / 5.0 - Celeste
Feb 8, 2018

Celeste a fantastic platformer that’ll test your precision and problem-solving skills. Each chapter challenges you to win, die, and have fun. Clearly a game to own in your digital gaming library. The only addition the game could possibly add would be adjusting the control buttons — luckily that is in the works. You’ll perish hundreds of times and that’s okay! When you’ve figured out how to maneuver around death traps, you’ll be smiling right up until you die again. When that happens, pick yourself back up and try again. I guarantee you’ll smile again. This is it, Madeline. Just breathe. You can do this.

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5 / 5.0 - Iconoclasts
Feb 8, 2018

You’ll likely achieve at least 12 hours of gameplay on your first-time, and shorter when replaying. The game will score you depending on how many “tweaks” were created, and how many treasures were found. For perfectionists, expect to put in some extra time for that 100%.Iconoclasts is a terrific game that utilizes the 16-bit style wonderfully. The music and gameplay heightens the value. While the story may become confusing at times, and problem-solving boss fights can take time, it doesn’t distract from how much excitement this game has. This is worth purchasing for your digital library and deserves your attention.

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Feb 24, 2023

Tetris Effect Connected is an improvement from the 2018 version. Puzzle players will have a difficult time putting it down. It’s well worth experiencing the game whether you are new or a veteran.

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4.8 / 5.0 - Astro's Playroom
Dec 10, 2020

Astro’s Playroom is well worth your time as one of your first games on your shiny, new PlayStation 5. Considering that it takes full advantage of the DualSense’s features, has fun platform levels and a catchy soundtrack, and it’s FREE, it’s hard to not like Astro’s Playroom. It’s just unfortunate that it’s so short. Astro and his friends deserve a full-length platformer! Until then, I’ll be hanging out with my bot buddies.

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Aug 17, 2021

Chicory: A Colorful Tale is a unique indie game that not only lets players be the artist but also delivers a powerful message along with excellent gameplay and a whimsical soundtrack. It deserves to be on everyone’s radar to play and is a strong candidate for one of the best games of 2021.

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Jun 11, 2020

With gorgeous character illustrations and vibrant level designs, Shantae and the Seven Sirens makes another bold statement for why Shantae has been going strong for eighteen years. It’s a fun, hair-whipping romp that no one should pass up. May the next eighteen years be filled with more amazing half-genie action!

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4.5 / 5.0 - GRIS
May 9, 2020

Gris feels like a AAA game from a major gaming company, but it comes from a small indie studio and it’s an incredible debut. You can’t simply watch videos or read about it to fully understand it, though. You need to experience the game to appreciate its unique art style, smooth gameplay, and soothing music. While the journey isn’t long, it will stay with you long after you complete it. So go ahead and let yourself be taken into this beautifully realized world. You’ll be glad you did.

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Apr 18, 2020

From its classic music to its gameplay, Bubble Bobble 4 Friends captures the delightful essence of the original. Despite a rehashing of levels and a curious lack of online play, the Bubble Dragons are back in a big way, and they are a perfect fit for the Nintendo Switch. At the end of the day, you’ll be humming the Bubble Bobble theme before you know it.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Wandersong
Mar 11, 2019

Who says playing as a bard isn’t fun? Wandersong is a harmonic and colorful game that proves that not every hero has to have a giant weapon to save the world; they just need a big heart (and maybe a decent set of lungs). The simplistic graphics and odd swordplay of this music-themed title may be a hurdle to some, but the gameplay, dialogue, and soundtrack is otherwise pure entertainment. Encore!

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Jan 4, 2019

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is an entertaining, colorful, and delightful platformer. The journey it took to reach its current incarnation may have been long, but it has most certainly been worth it. If you enjoy pigs with eye patches, this is the right game for you.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Tetris Effect
Nov 19, 2018

With a wide variety of options, modes, and secrets at players’ disposal, Tetris Effect is the best puzzle game since the original NES Tetris release in 1984. Regardless of the missing multiplayer, there’s something here for everyone, and players should not overlook this incredible experience. The Decahexatris awaits!

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May 30, 2018

Dragon’s Crown Pro is a gorgeous looking game, despite its exaggerated illustrations. Even if no new content has been added to this new version, players will enjoy the updated 4K resolution and the fact that they can transfer their game data from previous games and continue where they left off. Those who haven’t yet played this arcade-style adventure no longer have an excuse to wait. Add this crown to your collection immediately.

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May 15, 2018

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition returns with a massive amount of content that’ll bring in new and returning players. The platforming is smooth, the character designs and the world are incredibly detailed, and the gameplay is a blast. Without a doubt, this ultimate edition will leave everyone smiling and shaking those hips.

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4.5 / 5.0 - SteamWorld Dig 2
May 2, 2018

SteamWorld Dig 2 is a definite upgrade from its predecessor, if you haven’t played the original, don’t let it steer you away from wanting to help Dorothy on her adventure. It’s an entertaining indie game that will keep players digging for a long time.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Fe
Apr 26, 2018

Fe is an unique-styled game that lets you explore to your heart’s content and will test your problem-solving skills. If you enjoy a dialogue-less game with no guidance, Fe is the right game for you.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Night in the Woods
Apr 6, 2018

Night in the Woods is a powerful, story-driven game that shows that not all games need action if you have strong characters and fun mini-games. Oh and beating up a furnace with a bat is fun, too.

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Jan 15, 2018

Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King is a strong indie game that’ll entertain you with its amusing dialogue, pawesome soundtrack, and stimulating gameplay. 2D Zelda fans will want to journey as Lily.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Cat Quest
Nov 29, 2017

The Gentlebros left a lot of doors open for downloadable content (DLC) and a potential sequel. The game hints at many possibilities involving dogs, mice, and secrets between the Dragonblood and dragons, but that’ll be up to the Gentlebros on how big they want to make this. I, for one, would like to see expansions made to the game and continue the story of the silent hero. Cat Quest is a purrtastic game that deserves your attention and belongs in your gaming library, especially if you enjoy pawesome indie games.

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