David Burdette

84 games reviewed
81.8 average score
85 median score
73.1% of games recommended
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80 / 100 - Bugsnax
Nov 9, 2020

Bugsnax is an odd combination of Pokémon, a Cabela's hunting game, and Octodad. It's got a lot going for it in the fun gameplay, as well as a wonderful island filled with incredible creatures to discover. I do think the ending doesn't necessarily fit, and the backtracking is annoying, but it doesn't make the game unenjoyable. If you want the weirdest game of 2020 that's unusually entertaining, then pick up Bugsnax. Now if you'll excuse me, the Kero Kero Bonito song is stuck in my head again.

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70 / 100 - The Red Lantern
Oct 22, 2020

The Red Lantern is a great experience. I love my dog sled team and playing the runs again and again only reinforced that. But I'm not sure the roguelite style stays fresh all the way through, and it can get a bit tiring and repetitive. In the end, The Red Lantern is not going to win a lot of awards for what it does and is, but it's a unique take on the walking simulator genre that honestly has gotten stale and oversaturated.

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70 / 100 - Control: AWE
Sep 4, 2020

In the end, AWE is another solid but lacking chapter of Control. The gameplay is fun, and a fantastic boss in Hartman is introduced. But there's not much more to it besides that. The new weapon form isn't necessary, and I'm not even sure it fits in the narrative.There aren't new abilities, and you're going to finish AWE pretty quickly. But detractors aside, I got two things I really wanted, more of Alan Wake and more of Control, which is all that really matters. Here's to hoping the Remedyverse has more of both for us out there.

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80 / 100 - Madden NFL 21
Aug 27, 2020

Madden NFL 21 is a solid product. It excels in several areas, like the presentation and Ultimate Team. The core gameplay is as fun and smooth as it's ever been, and I've been playing since Madden NFL 2005. But the new jewels in the crown are flawed and need to be polished a bit more.

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