Michael Hoade
The village and characters general lack of personality is disappointing, and the inconsistency of the games challenge offers little to draw the player back. The game is fine in small doses, but honestly, it isn’t anything you can’t find elsewhere in the genre.
Pang Adventures successfully focuses on the niche it is trying to fill; putting faith into its core gameplay, to provide a fun and visually engaging experience for players of all ages. If you’re looking to delve into nostalgic waters, or are just up for a challenge that may – or may not be comparable to Dark Souls(allegedly), this might not be a bad addition to your collection.
Unfortunately the game in its current form, is just a first draft. Better to stick with your home chess set, for now.
The experience is further enhanced by a good story, even better side content, and solid combat – that does Miles justice as a great hero in his own right. At £49 the price is on the steeper side for the volume of the game’s content, but if you have the chance, this game is still a must play. I still can’t get over how amazing the haptic feedback is.
Ghost of Tsushima was my personal Game of the Year. Whilst it is not necessarily a ground-breaking, revolutionary title(nor does it need to be), it just is very, very, very, very, good. And, I reckon most of you out there will agree.