YoonJeong Kwon

23 games reviewed
75.5 average score
80 median score
43.5% of games recommended
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Oct 2, 2021

Melty Blood: Type Lumina's origins have never been officially released in Korea. So the reality is that the game is really for those who are already familiar with the original story and characters, as this title won't justify the full arc of the plot. But still, the game is more like a reboot of the existing fighting game and those who aren't really into competitive fighting games can still enjoy all the single player contents within the game. As this is their first initiative in Korean localization, it provides hopes of streamlining the Type-Moon franchise to have a place in Korea.

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Jun 19, 2022

In Zorro The Chronicles, you could reenact most of the scenes that aired on its original animation. Players can either choose to face the enemies up front or choose the quieter option to avoid any combat. The signature action of marking the opponents with the Z mark is also possible. Although the basic structure of the game is great, there seems to be too much bugs and the kid friendly auto-interactions disturb the overall experience. The details of Zorro throwing a smoke grenade when he depletes all of his health, and saying that he’ll definitely come back, is one of the key animations which creates the immersion all kids will appreciate.

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May 12, 2022

With its ambition to be more than just a port for the PC and iOS, lovable characters, music to get your groove on, and the 16bit graphics are all putting in their work to become an enjoyable game as a whole. It’s still a little unfortunate to notice some frame drops and technical issues where the bullets won’t fire, which made it seem worse than its original title. Even with some of the respectful staff working behind the scenes, the end result became more dishonorable than it should have been. We expect some updates to patch up some of the errors to be at least playable once it’s ready to meet the players.

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