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Kyle Foley

Orlando, FL

84 games reviewed
80.5 average score
85 median score
72.6% of games recommended

Kyle Foley's Reviews

Kyle is a freelance writer from Orlando, FL currently serving as an Assitant Editor at ButWhyTho?
8 / 10.0 - No More Heroes 3
Oct 17, 2022

No More Heroes III is not going to be the type of game that appeals to everyone, but if you are a fan of the franchise and Suda’s wild world then it’s an absolute treat. Now that some of the older performance issues are fixed and the visuals are upgraded, it’s the perfect time to give No More Heroes III a try. While a little more variety would have been appreciated, it’s hard to fault Suda for achieving what he set out to do.

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Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3 does feel so much more complete than the first two iterations of the series, but it still has a little more room to grow…Even when I was frustrated at some of those things, the tracks, karts, and characters kept me coming back for more. It’s definitely worth checking out for fans of racing games and Nickelodeon shows and characters.

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9 / 10.0 - Wayward Strand
Sep 30, 2022

Wayward Strand isn’t a perfect game, but it is darn near close. It doesn’t overwhelm players or force their hand but allows plenty of freedom within the confines of the closed-in space of the airship. I will absolutely be replaying Wayward Strand several times to explore the rest of the story options, and I cannot recommend it enough.

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7 / 10.0 - Potion Permit
Sep 28, 2022

Potion Permit is a hard game to pin down. It manages to give a refreshing take on the genre, but some of the mundane tasks often felt like bashing my head into a wall over and over again. Potion Permit feels like a nice cup of hot chocolate on an unseasonably warm day. Sure, it tastes good and the thought of it is great, but in practice maybe some things need improvement for it to truly be great.

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Sep 21, 2022

horn’s quest to save Leaf is exceptionally well-written, and the world of Dewr is one of the more enjoyable video game worlds I’ve explored in some time. Despite some minor quibbles with the combat and some of the world-building, No Place for Bravery is still an excellent game that players looking for a challenge are sure to enjoy.

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8.5 / 10.0 - F1 Manager 2022
Aug 29, 2022

F1 Manager 2022 is an excellent look at what it takes to be a Formula 1 team principal. There is so much depth to the game, and the real-life statistics make the experience incredibly authentic. Everything about the game feels polished, from the look and feel of the cars and tracks to the in-depth look at the car data, and I can’t wait to see what new tricks the series will bring in future versions of the game.

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Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation -The Endless Seven-Day Journey- is a refreshing adventure seen through the eyes of a 5-year-old with an incredibly active imagination. Be it normal interactions with family or friends or some of the wackier story elements further in, there is enough to keep any player satisfied. If you’re looking to escape on a whimsical trip, Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation -The Endless Seven-Day Journey- is a fantastic choice.

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Aug 2, 2022

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is a massive undertaking that hits some extremely high points while only presenting a few issues like the performance struggles at times due to the Switch’s limitations. I fell in love with the cast almost immediately, and I can’t wait to see their stories progress in future DLC. This is a game that is going to sit with me for years and is a very serious Game of the Year contender.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Live A Live
Jul 26, 2022

Live A Live is an absolute masterpiece, so much so that even the one chapter that frustrated me was still enjoyable once everything came together.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Frozenheim
Jul 7, 2022

I really enjoyed my time with Frozenheim and will certainly be playing more, especially multiplayer, but it could use a bit more of a facelift to help improve the core appeal. The negatives wouldn’t be as distracting if the game hadn’t just come out of early access, but taking that step to leave early access makes it imperative that the game feels fleshed out and not missing anything or needing major improvements. Still, it is an enjoyable game and players are sure to find hours of enjoyment in it. Just maybe wait until they’ve had a chance to upgrade the existing systems.

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TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge is a masterclass in handling nostalgia in video games. Classic characters and settings are married perfectly with a more modernized feel to create an experience that will bring smiles to so many gamers’ faces.

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Jun 13, 2022

Mario Strikers: Battle League may be barebones, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun. More characters, customization options, and game modes could really help improve the game, but the package delivered on release still holds incredible replay value. It’s a game worth coming back to over and over again, whether with friends or by yourself. Over-the-top action and the stylized Mario look make Mario Strikers: Battle League one of the most fun sports game experiences, I just hope more is added soon so it doesn’t get stale after a few months.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Sniper Elite 5
May 25, 2022

Sniper Elite 5 does what the series does best: letting you kill Nazis with unrelenting fury. You can be as strategic or guns-blazing as you’d like, and the number of options will have players coming back for more quite often.

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9 / 10.0 - Dorfromantik
Apr 28, 2022

Overall, Dorfromantik lives up to its billing as an incredibly relaxing game. It’s the perfect game to play while on a train or just lounging around the house. It takes seconds to pick up, and can easily provide seemingly limitless hours of gameplay. If you are in the market for a chill, calming game, you can’t go wrong with Dorfromantik.

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10 / 10.0 - NORCO
Mar 31, 2022

Overall, NORCO is a game I could not stop thinking about. Even long after completing my first playthrough, I find myself thinking about Kay, Catherine, the AI security robot Millions, Private Investigator Leblanc, and the multitude of ordinary citizens I encountered that profoundly impacted me throughout my time in NORCO. It’s been a while since a game has managed to cause so much emotional damage in such a short period of time, and I cannot recommend NORCO highly enough.

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7 / 10.0 - Rune Factory 5
Mar 22, 2022

Rune Factory 5 is a refreshing farming RPG that should really appeal to fans of the niche genre…It may not be a perfect or highly innovative game, but Rune Factory 5 is definitely worth the time spent playing.

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Mar 7, 2022

Triangle Strategy feels like a love letter to classic tactical role-playing games in the best of ways. The story is compelling and detailed, and the characters you interact with really feel like they each matter. Artdink knocked it out of the park aesthetically as well, bringing the complex world of Norzelia to life in an incredible way. I loved every second of my time with Triangle Strategy, and I am looking forward to future playthroughs to explore the different branch options as well. If you are a fan of tactical games with an enticing story, Triangle Strategy checks off all the boxes and is an absolute must-play.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Shadow Warrior 3
Feb 28, 2022

Overall, Shadow Warrior 3 feels like a teenager that still has a bit of maturing to do. Humor that tries to be edgy overshadows the fun gameplay, and the lack of an intriguing story does not help either. I would not necessarily say Shadow Warrior 3 is a bad game, but it was disappointing that I often felt like I was playing through a 15-year-old’s video game fantasy. Still, there are moments of fun to be had, and I hope Shadow Warriors 4, if it happens, can fix some of the writing mistakes to make the enjoyable experience of actually playing the game worth the time.

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Feb 26, 2022

While there is still more to come with “The Witch Queen,” in the form of the new raid launching on March 5th, the content given in the base expansion is simply Destiny at its absolute best. The campaign is by far the best of the series, both in terms of storytelling and gameplay itself, and might be one of my favorite shooter campaigns of all time. The bar has been raised going forward; the only question is whether or not Bungie can keep it up from here.

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Feb 14, 2022

Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires is a game that I found extremely fun at times, but monotonous at others. Strategic tasks become mundane and repetitive very quickly, but the combat involved in the actual battles helps make up for it... There is fun to be had, just don't expect a grand strategy experience with a deep story or overly involved decisions and mechanics.

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