Cale Boudreau
7 Days to Die is arguably one of the worst looking games I’ve seen in 2016.
The entire upgrade system is downright painful. The majority of unlocks are simple moves that should have been available from the beginning such as running up a wall, turning around and jumping, or a simple leg tuck to clear a railing.
OlliOlli2 is one of those games that can be picked up in a span of five minutes but requires cat-like reflex and the patience of a monk to master.
What I love about DC Universe Online is the vast array of customization features for your hero, sift through pages of options to choose size, face, skin type, costume and even swagger.
Overall, Coffin Dodgers isn’t the worst kart racing game but it doesn’t reinvent the wheel either.
Aside from the visual presentation, graphics run smooth and animations are quick — I can't fault this game from a technical standpoint.
The strong point of Teslagrad is the creative direction of their hand-crafted world. The art style is charmingly cartoonish and colours appear vibrant but dreary when it needs to be.
Unfortunately, the difficulty often marred the pacing of the game, turning areas into repetitive trial and error experiments just to figure out how to sneak by a couple guards.
While the graphics and enemies are less than desirable, the music releases an inner childlike sense of happiness that keeps you coming back for more punishment.
Ultimately Starpoint Gemini 2 will appeal to a certain niche of gamer. Fans of space sims with a large dose of RPG will appreciate this game for what its worth.