Amanda Van Parys

8 games reviewed
71.5 average score
70 median score
50.0% of games recommended
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7.5 / 10.0 - Sorry, We're Closed
Mar 6, 2025

Although there were aspects of this game that I had a hard time vibing with, overall, I think this is a fun game if you’re in the mood for some 90’s 90s-style survival horror.  And maybe if I was simply in the mood for this type of game, I would have enjoyed it more.  It certainly isn’t a bad game, and I hope no one has that takeaway from my review.  I think anyone who likes this style of game should absolutely check it out!

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Feb 18, 2025

I truly enjoyed playing through the Bloom section of the game.  I have played the Life Is Strange games and I might prefer this, but perhaps that’s my 90’s nostalgia speaking!  I will replay the game before the second half to get better relationship statuses as it turns out I wasn’t doing as well as I thought with my friendships (and possible relationships). If you are interested in story-driven games, some 90’s nostalgia, and paranormal magic vibes, then I do recommend you check out Lost Records.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Varney Lake
Apr 27, 2023

With a low play time of 2 hours or less, I would definitely recommend this game if you are at all interested.  The story is engaging, even though it ends abruptly.  You might feel yourself wanting more, but if you save your progress along the way, you can go back and complete those mini games you might have skipped or try to find the secret scenes.  there isn’t much to dislike about this charming installment other than it ends too soon.

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5.7 / 10.0 - Unusual Findings
Oct 11, 2022

Unusual Findings has a promising premise but the movement and convoluted puzzles ruined it for me.  After spending an exasperating 6.5 hours with very little enjoyment, I will not be returning to finish it.

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6 / 10.0 - Mothmen 1966
Jul 13, 2022

It’s definitely not the best story you will read, but I always find the journey through visual novel games to be the best part of the genre.  At a brief 2 hours or less of gameplay, it won’t be a major time sink.  Just jump into the forest and let the Mothmen converge!

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6.5 / 10.0 - Chernobylite
Apr 21, 2022

This game makes you feel like you're going a little crazy. I was constantly questioning my sanity and also my intelligence: "Why can't I access my building table?"; "Why am I suddenly being ambushed by 5 soldiers when there was no one around?"; “Why can’t I use my medkits right now?”; and finally, "AM I DOING SOMETHING WRONG?" And the answer to that is probably yes, but the most important part is that I tried. Despite, everything, I find that I still do want to play—and that, according to my partner, is the beauty of eurojank.

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Mar 29, 2022

Catie in MeowmeowLand is extremely niche: unless you are a child, a parent playing with a child, or you simply like really weird and bizarre things.  I think this is a game best played with family and/or friends so everyone can help you figure out the puzzles.  As I was playing (and getting frustrated), my partner and my daughter joined in to help and we flew through quite a few scenes together.  It's also more fun to experience all the bizarre scenes with other people around to laugh with you.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Stardew Valley
Oct 2, 2021

Stardew Valley is a rare experience that has a complex and effective reward system that keeps you saying to yourself “just one more day”. You can easily find yourself losing hours and hours that feel like minutes. You may develop an overwhelming urge to create spreadsheets and fill notebooks with observations, recipes, product values, and villagers’ favorite gifts. And it very well may be just what you didn’t know you needed.

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