Michael Nicolosi
Planet of Lana is short and sweet and never overstays its welcome. There was an onion or two cut in front of me by the time the credits rolled around. It is a remarkable debut effort from Wishfully Studios that is sure to delight with its gorgeous visuals, grand story, and brain-busting puzzles.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a tour de force of game design that managed to outdo its already impeccable predecessor by a large margin. This is the premiere Zelda experience, and I can’t wait to see how Nintendo manages to top this one because those are mighty large boots to fill. Masterpiece.
The premium price tag is well justified. Red Hook’s sophomore release showcases an excellent display of this small but mighty team’s talents. It was well worth the wait with another exceptional addition to the roguelite genre. A gorgeous yet gloomy art direction, impeccable sound design, addictive combat, and more replayability than you can shake a stick come together graciously in Darkest Dungeon II.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits truly is a title that made me feel in such a different way. It is not the best game I ever played, but it certainly makes my list for one of my favorite video games ever made. It’s hard expressing into words honestly. Traversing this lush world with its popping greenery, mystical soundtrack, lovable heroine and concise storytelling left me with a title I will remember for years to come.