Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint - Red Patriot

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint - Red Patriot Media
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint: Red Patriot Trailer | Ubisoft Forward 2020 | Ubisoft [NA]
Critic Reviews for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint - Red Patriot
Out of the three DLC packs that have been released so far, "Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: Episode 3 – Red Patriot" has to easily be one of the best when it comes to a compelling storyline, unique missions, and co-op gameplay. The missions are of decent length and feel more enjoyable than completing hundreds of tiny missions chained together. Players will particularly enjoy testing out the new Pathfinder class when playing either solo or in a group. The unique method of accessing the classes ultimate ability helps balance out its superior destructive and tactical advantage during combat. Overall, this is a DLC players will have fun playing and replaying as they try different approaches to some of the more difficult tasks.
While it is still unknown whether Breakpoint: Red Patriot features as the final DLC content in the Year One pass; it is without a doubt a great addition to the game. With ten brand-new story missions, Red Patriot follows directly on from Deep State while also acting as a standalone narrative – pushing Nomad’s story further into one of greatness. Much like how Scott Mitchel is the legendary Ghost Recon operative from past and present titles, Anthony “Nomad” Perryman is being set up to be the next generation legendary Ghost Recon operative. The missions are exciting and hearken back to Wildlands while also teasing how Breakpoint is linked to other Ghost Recon titles, whereas the cosmetic and gameplay additions serve as the extra cherries on the top of a good piece of DLC. Red Patriot is only the next step in what will undoubtedly be a massive multi-year journey for Nomad, whose journey began with Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands. Whether you decide to get Ghost Recon Breakpoint: Red Patriot as a standalone addition, or as part of the Year One Pass, there is no denying it will be well worth the cost. It may not be exceptionally robust, but it offers enough content to tide over the wait for other post-game additions.