9th Dawn III: Shadow of Erthil
Critic Reviews for 9th Dawn III: Shadow of Erthil
Built on a foundation of classic fantasy, 9th Dawn III: Shadow of Erthil has just enough unique twists to make it worth exploring for hours.
9th Dawn III takes the player across the huge landscape of RPGs; this game is inspired by classics like the Ultima series, as well as modern masterpieces like The Witcher 3. In merging some of the best features the genre has to offer, 9th Dawn III is an engrossing (if lengthy) experience.
There’s much to love in 9th Dawn III: Shadow of Erthil but it requires such an investment and patience from the player in order to pay off that many won’t push through to see the game’s best moments. The plot could have been tightened up, the presentation will be divisive and the combat lacks meaningful depth but the game world and activities it contains will have you busy for many, many hours if 9th Dawn III gets its hooks into you.
All in all, 9th Dawn III is a truly great game that is all the more remarkable an achievement for being mostly the work of a single developer. Well, I’ll add the caveat that these days it’s a remarkable achievement, anyway; back in the days of the original Ultima series — that which 9th Dawn III is heavily inspired by — games like this were made by teams of one or two all the time!