The Last Show of Mr. Chardish

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Critic Reviews for The Last Show of Mr. Chardish
The Last Show of Mr. Chardish is an adventure title that portrays story beats in contained vignettes, with a variety of different gameplay styles aligning into one beautiful and tragic tale of obsession and struggle. However, a buggy presentation might hold it back.
The Last Show of Mr. Chardish is a gem of a title. Although some may wish that the story encompassed more than just one character in a detailed manner, the tale is fascinating due to the subject matter and the flashback/reverse order in which the tale is told. The actual gameplay sections are engaging even though most of it is rather simple, and the inclusion of a few secrets rewards those who would rather spend some time exploring each play rather than rushing through them. It's short but feels perfect in length, and those who enjoy a good narrative would definitely enjoy this game.
The Last Show of Mr. Chardish isn't the best of its kind but it doesn't claim to be either. It just wants to touch your soul and make you happy. And it delivers that.
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