PBA Pro Bowling 2021 Reviews

PBA Pro Bowling 2021 is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Jan 16, 2021

Despite using "pro" in its name, I'm walking away from PBA Pro Bowling 21 feeling okay at best. It's certainly not a bad game, but the difficulty curve and pay-to-win mechanics hamper what otherwise is a solid bowling title. However, there's a decent selection of other bowling games on Switch like Strike! Ten Pin Bowling and the bowling minigame in Clubhouse Games. These titles aren't as feature-rich as PBA Pro, but they're certainly not lacking and overall offer some satisfying gameplay. Gauge where you are on the bowling fan spectrum when you go to purchase one of these titles.

Jan 10, 2021

You should go into PBA Pro Bowling 2021 on Xbox not expecting too much, but even then you will probably find yourself disappointed by what is on offer, alongside becoming pretty bored during events.

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