WRC 10 Reviews

WRC 10 is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Aug 31, 2021

For the first time in the series, WRC 10 feels fully featured. It’s brimming with modes and ways to play, sure to make a fan out of anyone and give you more than enough replayability into next year. It’s a shame then that some of the bugs and issues from prior years have persisted into this year’s entry. There’s nothing egregious with the issues, but it’s rather surprising they haven’t been stamped out. The 50th Anniversary Mode is sure to be a favorite, and the highly-requested livery editor will satisfy long-time fans. This game captures the thrill of taking hairpin turns at high speeds like a pro, and drifting through snow with elegance. WRC 10 is authentic to the sport, something that’s not to be overlooked.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Aug 31, 2021

The general presentation remains fairly dated, however, and the lack of depth and event variety don't allow it to compete with titles such as the DIRT franchise, which offers even derivates of rally such as rallycross or gymkhana. It's a fun and respectful title that deserves to hold the WRC license, but there are still things to iron out.

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