Twogether: Project Indigos Chapter 1

Critic Reviews for Twogether: Project Indigos Chapter 1
Twogether is a great debut work for Flaming Llama. An adventure that surprises by the ingenious approach of its puzzles and the combination of two characters. However, it is only one chapter, and has a very limited duration. We would also have liked more variety in the design of the rooms and the traps.
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Twogether: Project Indigos proposes some interesting ideas, but with a somewhat poor execution. The lack of a cooperative mode, which the game cries out for, also hurts it.
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Twogether: Project Indigos is a short, but entertaining puzzle game where we will use our mind to get out of the different rooms. We would have liked the option of a local co-op, but who knows, maybe will be available in chapter two.
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