Haiki Reviews

Haiki is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
75 / 100
Jan 13, 2022

Desperate and comforting. Screams of rage, and blows to the chest of satisfaction. The formula is well known, but little traveled even in the independent scene for obvious reasons. Richard Hörnig succeeds in creating his own Super Meat Boy, his bouncing head, in increasingly horrific and exhilarating levels. Will you endure as many and as many phases, with more as many, and as many, and as many, and as many, and as many, and as many deaths? You should, if pure platforming and extreme precision don't hold you back. Haiki is an eclogue about recovering humanity and overthrowing evil, in the form of a platformer that is as simple as possible to understand and control, and as hard as the twelve (thirteen) labors of Herakles not to complete, but to master. Not all of us will be prepared for this, but those who go deep into the proposal will find a millimetric, careful and comforting design. But... it won't be easy to get to the bottom.

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