Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (2022) Reviews

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (2022) is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
65 / 100
Oct 27, 2022

I don't think Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is a bad game, it's just incredibly boring for a Call of Duty campaign. It's just not as memorable and won't stick with me for years as some other Call of Duty campaigns did. Perhaps I should learn to keep my expectations in check from now on but even if I went in expecting nothing, I'd say Call of Duty is just an okay game that could be worth your time if you're a die-hard fan.

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Jon Clarke
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2022

As finer an example of “AAA” Hollywood gaming spectacle as ever there was – full of incredible visuals and set-pieces with a tonne of gameplay variety and only a few moments that fall flat. It can’t help but occasionally feel to be a greatest hits collection of previous Call of Duty moments at times, despite the earnest and well intentioned efforts to mix things up a bit, and that’s okay. For fans of the series, they’ll be more than satisfied.

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