Pilotwings 64 Reviews

Pilotwings 64 is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10
Oct 13, 2022

From its lush and detailed landscapes to its awesome level of control, Pilotwings 64 utilises virtually all of the N64's most prominent features to provide a wholesome and adventurous gameplay experience. Its perfect blend of tense, challenge-based gameplay and simple, yet relaxing exploration gives it an almost universal appeal, and it's a shame that more games don't aspire to offer this level of depth in a relaxing, well-rounded package that's also delightfully silly. On the surface, Pilotwings 64 may seem as shallow as a paddling pool, but those that delve deeper will discover a fun and rewarding game that draws them back in time and time again.

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Oct 15, 2022
Pilotwings 64 is BEST on Switch - Retro REVIEW - YouTube video thumbnail
Oct 13, 2022

So if you’ve never played Pilotwings 64, now’s a great time to give it a go for yourself. And it’d be nice if Nintendo brought this series back one day, too.

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