
Transmogrify Trailers
Critic Reviews for Transmogrify
On glancing at the game’s original Kickstarter page, I was drawn to the stretch goals, which would have included a Switch port, a new character, multiplayer and much more. So I could not help imagining the game that could’ve been. That being said, I place Transmogrify in the category of a developer making the absolute most out of a small development budget. Transmogrify is an enjoyable puzzle to play in short or long gaming bursts. The experimental design of the puzzles is rewarding. There are a few niggles with controls and the odd bug. Yet overall, I admire the developers’ effort to try something new. I liked it but didn’t love it. I hope this game does get the attention it deserves, as it would be great to see the developer build on this for their next project.
Transmogrify is a Portal gun that’s been remodelled to transform your expectations of a typical puzzle-platformer. It has the occasional issue with bugs (literally and metaphorically) and the usual frustration that comes hand-in-hand with the genre, but its an earnest and delightful little game that’ll keep enthusiasts hooked for a good while.