FF7 Remake was really good game, but FF7 Rebirth makes FF7 remake look like a Demo. Enough said.
There's no way to progress the story without having to endure hours of simplistic exploration, old mechanics and dull errands. I must say that I know the series, I finished the original title back in the day and FF Remake didn't have so much boring filler. The minigames are a
Expanding what the first iteration so very good and adding onto it more of fantasy behind the scenes
One of my favorite games. It is hard to put into words how much I adore this game. I just loved getting lost in this world.
The characters, story, and gameplay are just phenomenal. The side content is also mostly really fun. I did every side quest which were a blast
This is truly a once in a lifetime experience, a game that is hard to believe exists
One of the best experiences I've ever had with a game. The story and characters are all soooooo good. I'm not 100% sure about the ending though. Some of the mini games were TERRIBLE, but they are optional, so oh well.
في سنة 1997 أصدرت شركة سكوير سوفت على جهاز البلاستيشن ١ لعبة Final Fantasy VII و حققت نجاحات كبيرة جداً و كانت ثاني أكثر لعبة مبيعاً و حصدت على قرابة جميع الجوائز و منها لعبة السنة و أيضآ أشاد النقاد بها حيث بعضهم أصر على أنها لعبة لن تتكرر في
Everything the predecessor was, but improved in every way. (Except for the open world.) Pros: Catching Story, Deep and Unique Combat System, Hard Boss fights Cons: Typical Boring Open World, Some Technical Issues
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has far exceeded my expectations, it is a masterpiece that shines in the sky of this generation, with the reimagining of the story, the design of the world and fighting like no other in the Final Fantasy series. It is a huge and sprawling game with
Rebirth has become one of my absolute favorite games ever. In fact, I believe it should be considered among the greatest games of all time and should be celebrated as a triumph of both storytelling and gameplay.