SteamWorld Heist Reviews

SteamWorld Heist is ranked in the 95th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Jul 6, 2016

The combat is satisfying and full of strategy, the world is interesting and visually pleasing – the whole steampunk, western, space aesthetic is great, and even extends to the music with the band Steam Powered Giraffe providing the saloon band style soundtrack – and the story is quirky and comes with a nice twist.

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Top Critic
Dec 10, 2015

What more can I say? I loved SteamWorld Heist and I think everyone should play it. Even if you don't normally like tactics games, Heist might be able to change your mind. It might not make a lot of Game of the Year lists, but I can assure you that it is one of 2015's best.

Jul 9, 2016

SteamWorld Heist takes elements of tactical strategy and blends it with skill-based combat. The resulting combination is (like the robots it features) more than the sum of its parts. On top of that, Steamworld Heist is polished to a gleaming shine. Do yourself a favor and play this game.

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