SteamWorld Heist Reviews

SteamWorld Heist is ranked in the 95th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
8 / 10
Jun 27, 2016

Considering how wildly different SteamWorld Heist is from its predecessor, this was clearly a bit of a risk for Image & Form. Fortunately for us, it is one that really pays off.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Feb 16, 2016

SteamWorld Heist is one of the most charming, playful, glorious games you will play this year and cannot come recommended enough. Go on, treat yourself.

Dec 18, 2015

Being left with a real desire for a much bigger game is certainly preferable than struggling to care about it at all, but Image & Form has been teasing us with the potential for SteamWorld for some time now, and while I hope this is a big success for the team, because I want to see SteamWorld continue to grow, I really need for the next game in the series to be truly ambitious.

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A or higher
Dec 21, 2015

SteamWorld Heist might be small, yet it can compete with heavy weights like Fire Emblem in terms of overall quality. SteamWorld Heist is one of the most well thought-out and fully realized gaming experiences I've had throughout this year. If you're itching for a fantastic turn-based space adventure, look no further.

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9 / 10
Dec 9, 2015

While not a narrative that would be found in a larger-scale RPG, the story is engaging enough to make keeping track of all the various factions and personalities not only worthwhile, but entertaining. By itself, the gameplay is enough to keep the action moving at an excellent pace, and the mission length is perfect for long grinds, or quick sessions on the go. The adjustable difficulty curve and "easy to learn, hard to master" combat makes it a great starting point for those just getting into turn-based strategy titles, and a point of mastery for genre veterans. Image & Form really showcases its ability to tackle new styles of play, and succeeds on nearly every level with SteamWorld Heist.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2015

Steamworld Dig was a fun romp, but Steamworld Heist shows that Image & Form isn't a one-trick pony. Steamworld Heist is one of the most enjoyable budget RPGs I've ever played. It's accessible, fast-paced and balanced. Only a lackluster story and some minor complaints about the combat hold it back, and neither is more than a minor blemish. If you're at all looking for a handheld take on the tactical RPG genre, you'll have a hard time finding a better example than Steamworld Heist. The $20 price tag might seem high, but Heist is enjoyable enough to justify it.

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4.5 / 5.0
Nov 30, 2016

SteamWorld Heist does little to take advantage of Wii U's capabilities, but is still one of the best indie games on the system.

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Sep 26, 2016

A decent 2D turn-based tactical shooter which takes a while to get going but gets a lot better once the tactical options increase. Probably best to get on handheld where its probably more enjoyable to play in short bursts.

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Dec 28, 2015

SteamWorld Heist snuck onto the 3DS eShop earlier this month, without much fanfare or discussion. But SteamWorld Heist might be the best tactical strategy game to grace the platform in 2015.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 13, 2016

SteamWorld Heist, like the other SteamWorld games before it, is simple yet complex. It is a very accessible turn-based RPG with a lot of character. The characters are interesting and the core gameplay is very engaging. All of that wrapped up in a Firefly-like space adventure makes this a game that is very difficult for me to put down.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 10, 2016

Complaints aside, SteamWorld Heist is a must-buy title for anyone looking for an enjoyable strategy game set in an endearing world.

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82 / 100
Jul 22, 2016

SteamWorld Heist is a great follow-up to 2013's SteamWorld Dig. It's a charming title and a great experience that, nevertheless, requires you to think about how you approach every scenario. The manual aiming adds a layer of challenge and complexity to it.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 25, 2018

With multiple skill levels available SteamWorld Heist is a game that anyone, from a tactical strategy newbie to a grizzled veteran, should be able to enjoy. Well-designed, looking fabulous on Switch, and thoroughly engaging it offers a rewarding combination of careful planning and then execution in aiming that I can’t get enough of. Pulling off a tricky ricochet shot from across the room is such a rush, just remember that when you inadvertently end up blowing up a crewmate a little later because you didn’t plan it out well. While battles can be aggravating at times the great news is that every time you try placements and layouts will tend to vary either a little or a lot so you may have just had a bad break. If you haven’t yet checked out SteamWorld Heist you owe it to yourself to give it a shot, it is unquestionably one of the best games on the Switch.

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Jan 6, 2018

Steamworld Heist offers up over 10 hours of main campaign and its a blast, battles can become slightly repetitive as is normal with this type of tactical game but the fact that you are aiming, each ship is randomly generated and there is a strong story supported by excellent visuals and a toe-tapping soundtrack kept me engaged from beginning to end. Along with Mario vs Rabbids this is the best strategy game on the Switch to date for me and a must purchase.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 28, 2017

SteamWorld Heist has very few flaws, especially if a turn based robot strategy game is what you’re looking for.

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87 / 100
Feb 26, 2017

There’s nothing quite like it (especially on a 3DS) and for that reason it was easy to keep coming back. Missions are ideal for portable play and in my time with the game, the affinity for Steamworld Heist grew larger with each mission passed. My only real faults with Steamworld Heist is I find movement overall too slow and the game does become repetitive by the end of the campaign.

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9.1 / 10.0
Aug 17, 2016

Quirky, easy to dive into, and great fun to play around with, SteamWorld Heist is a modern classic and one of our favorite turn-based titles of recent years. Easily recommended.

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9.8 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2015

Heist is easy to pick up and play, yet tough to master. Any fan of tactical strategy games is going to feel right at home. Image & Form has created a great addition to the SteamWorld universe.

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8 / 10
Jun 17, 2016

It didn't seem this way at first, but ImageForm proved Steamworld Heist to be the next logical step after Steamworld Dig. On top of fabulous gameplay and overall intuitiveness, it grasps a personality some other indie games could only dream of. Just get ready for a fun space challenge.

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Jun 13, 2016

SteamWorld Heist's excellence permeates through every aspect of the game, and the translation from 3DS to PC and PlayStation 4 is nothing short of exemplary. The aiming mechanic for ricochets or headshots is so satisfying. SteamWorld Heist is a masterclass in turn-based strategy with RPG stylings making it a standout on platforms to display this at higher resolutions. Whether you're looking for a casual introduction to the genre or a crushing challenge for veterans, SteamWorld Heist offers both in truly stellar ways.

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