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211 games reviewed
77.2 average score
80 median score
55.4% of games recommended

Gamestyle's Reviews

10 / 10 - Overwatch
May 27, 2016

Overwatch is something special at this moment of time. A game that looks at modern gaming in the face and says "Screw You!!!". It is a game that remembers what gaming is about, it is inclusive without being condescending and allows for all types of player, at any level to get in and feel like equals.

Apr 20, 2016

As with so many games, TrackMania Turbo has mistaken large headline grabbing numbers on the back of the box as a good thing. Stripping away a lot of the flab, leaving you with less tracks, would have played far better to the games strengths.

7 / 10 - The Witness
Apr 6, 2016

I fell in and out of love with The Witness so many times throughout my time with it that by the end I was as confused about my thoughts as I was about the plot.

Mar 29, 2016

The most competent game in the series so far and there is definitely some sort of addictive brain potion mixed into the battle system. The plot is the best yet but there are unfortunately a few annoying additions which really should have been left out.

Frank Lee
Mar 19, 2016

All-in-all, the gameplay has improved a lot and the new characters are fun to play with. If you are more of a single player person, then it may not justify its worth. If you like to compete in the multiplayer mode, then it is an excellent game which will keep you occupied for hours on end.

Like most handheld RPGs Etrian Odyssey 2: Untold is designed to be a massive time-sink. It's an experience to chip away at bit by bit over a long period of time, but one I was more than willing to spend the occasional lengthy session with. Although there's few surprises to be had for franchise devotees and genre diehards, there's a comforting familiarity and sense of depth to everything it does.

Feb 16, 2016

SteamWorld Heist is one of the most charming, playful, glorious games you will play this year and cannot come recommended enough. Go on, treat yourself.

10 / 10 - Fallout 4
Dec 1, 2015

An amazing experience from start to…well not finish as I am not there yet. But I know I will love the rest of the journey, just as much as I love what I have played thus far.

What looks like pure chaos and confusion from the outset, becomes something that feels great to play.

Nov 17, 2015

A typical Platinum game, that does justice to the Transformers licence.

Nov 16, 2015

An improvement of 2013's release in every way and one of the best games of 2015.

Nov 11, 2015

A Kobe beef steak served on a silver platter.

Nov 3, 2015

A really well written story with best fleshed out character ever seen in the franchise. Wonderful from start to finish.

Max and Chloe's adventure comes to an excellent end.

Oct 27, 2015

A brave and successful reinvention.  Guitar Hero lives!

Oct 26, 2015

A decent rhythm game that fans of Persona will lap up and newcomers may be left a little bewildered.

8 / 10 - Blood Bowl II
Oct 20, 2015

Not for everyone, but what Blood Bowl II does, it does exceptionally well.

An Omega Force game in a new setting that plays exceptionally well, just lacks a little replay value.

7 / 10 - Rock Band 4
Oct 13, 2015

The Wings to Rock Band 3's Beatles.

Oct 5, 2015

One of the weaker platformers for the Wii U where sadly a beautiful game can't hide the rather poor level design.