The remake retains the deeply unsettling narrative of James Sunderland, a grieving man drawn to the fog-laden town of Silent Hill after receiving a letter from his deceased wife. The game’s emotional depth and symbolism remain as haunting as ever, with a fresh coat of polish enhancing its eerie storytelling.
A Masterpiece of Psychological Horror
Silent Hill 2 Remake is a masterpiece of horror gaming. I started out a bit skeptical - the beginning felt somewhat slow and the combat a bit weird - but after just a couple of hours, those doubts completely vanished. The game pulls you in with
"They actually did it!", I exclaimed. As soon as I saw the opening scene and played the first 20 minutes of the game, my jaw dropped. I don't know what happened, but Bloober Team, against all odds, managed to make one of the greatest remakes of all time and put
The darkness of this town is matched by its story. The twist at the end is mind melting.
Undoubtedly a true success and a scary and faithful adaptation. I would probably say it is the scariest game i have ever played, the prison alone alone is a genre defining sequence in survival horror setting and ambience.
This is definitely not breaking any new grounds in any of its gameplay
I finished Silent Hill 2 remake last night on PS5. My wife watched me play through it over the last few weekends as we both loved the original when I originally played it way back in 2001 on the original Xbox. The remake was very well done. Super creepy, looked
Good game overall. The only problem I have is the character designs wuth their very big heads and ugly faces (subjective).
The gameplay also goid, loved the tension.
But after a while you notice the pattern and already expect the same as time goes on.
Simply as good as survival horror gets. Excellent atmosphere, suspense, and horror. My game of the year, hands down.
Największym minusem jest niestety walka, mała różnorodność lokacji oraz przeciwników oraz nierówna grafika :) Na wieki plus fabuła , piękna miejscami grafika, super klimat no i oczywiście muzyka i udźwiękowienie klasa światowa ! Bardzo dobrze zrobiony Remake !
A remake that actually feels like it respects the original, while making welcome changes, and crafting a truly creepy experience.
What a game! I have been on the edge of my couch for hours to experience the gripping horrors of Silent Hill
such a great remake. it was my first Silent hill and I'm a fan of this series now.