When I play marvel rivals, the first thing I think each match is, "I wonder if we can invade Croatia?" This is because I have a neural implant that modifies my every thought and has barely anything to the game itself. You see, I was out on a fishing trip
i think the gameplay is okay but it has the worst optimization i have ever seen before. my rx 580 can handle some games in 2025 but this game should be better then getting 50fps in low setting (i recomand this game for rtx 3070 and up usrers only )
Marvel Rivals is a promising hero-shooter, bringing an experience similar to the beginning of Overwatch 2 but with a touch of uniqueness of its own.
HORRIBLE. JUST HORRIBLE. 1st time i played this had alot of fun. Afterall, i was playing as a cute little shark that had legs. Maybe 2 games later i go on a FOURTEEN LOSS STREAK. WTF? I think i would rather chop my BALLz off and eat them than ever
A fun spin on the hero-shooter genre. While not original on it's own, the charm of Marvel superheroes battling it out is not to be ignored. The gameplay feature I enjoyed the most are team ups, that allow a pair of compatible heroes in a team to give each other
horrible servers. average waiting time to find server: 10 mins. every other battle is cancelled due to someone disconecting. horrible experience since update.
I love the graphics, gameplay, and the feel of the game.
Overall, I do recommend it given the pure fun and diversity of gameplay styles in the characters. Anyone who's looking for an Overwatch fix with a Marvel skin should look no further, despite some issues. However I do have some issues with its lack of map quantity, movement inconsistency (not
Great take on a classic genre. Easy to jump in as its FTP and the character designs feel fun and interesting without leaning on the movies for design.
The game is great, but IT DOESN'T WORK MOST OF THE TIME! It honestly shocks me that they could release the game at this state, it laggs, it freezes, it takes 3 hours for us to join the match, by that time the match is already halfway through, it transports
this game is so bad iron fist and iron an need a nerf asap iron can literally hitu behind walls and the game itself is too complicared
Great hero shooter. There's some balance problems and a LOT of stutter on PC (that might just be my setup) but the actual gameplay is definitely better than Overwatch.
Very under-optimized game. It lags frequently, even though I have a pretty good PC setup.
While Marvel Rivals has TONS of fun content for hours, and I never feel like "enough", we have to talk about balancing stuff, or the matchmaking system.
It's super fun to play with friends, but sometimes you get queued to a full premade team on the opposite side, which can ruin
In my opinion Rocket's and Quill's appearance could be better.