
Sir, I'd Like To Report A Bug!

Lord Puggington Games
Oct 19, 2015 - PC
Hardcore Gamer
2 / 5
4 / 10
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Sir! I'd Like To Report A Bug! - Launch Trailer thumbnail

Sir! I'd Like To Report A Bug! - Launch Trailer

Sir, I'd Like To Report A Bug! Screenshot 1
Sir, I'd Like To Report A Bug! Screenshot 2

Critic Reviews for Sir, I'd Like To Report A Bug!

Trying to dictate if Lord Puggington Games tried too hard or not hard enough with its gameplay is a fool's errand. This doesn't feel like something that was just slapped together; there is no malice intended in this review. This is a port of a mobile game that came to fruition via crowdfunding; one with a Google Play page that is loaded with accolades.

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It currently costs just a couple of pounds on Steam, and so is worth a go if you want something to really get your teeth into. But if you aren't a total masochist, save it for the bus fare.

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