Green Game TimeSwapper

Nintendo Life
5 / 10
5 / 10
Nintendo Insider
5 / 10
Nindie Spotlight
2.5 / 10
Switch Player
2.5 / 5
Creators: iFun4all Ltd.
Release Date: Apr 4, 2016 - PC, PlayStation Vita
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Green Game: Timeswapper - Launch Trailer thumbnail

Green Game: Timeswapper - Launch Trailer

Green Game TimeSwapper Screenshot 1
Green Game TimeSwapper Screenshot 2

Critic Reviews for Green Game TimeSwapper

For all the intriguing set up, interesting art style and great - if limited - music, Green Game: TimeSwapper falls flat in the gameplay department. The tagline of manipulating time is as misleading as it is frustrating. There is a cute little puzzle game in here, but with unintuitive controls along with some bland and frustrating level design, the game is quickly reduced to a pretty average experience that fulfils neither its promise nor potential. You'll never really feel like a 'master of time'; it's more a mix of stumbling through level after level or - if you're a completionist - probably enduring some serious frustration before you 100% each stage. It's a port that is another case of style over substance.

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Red Game Without a Great Name and Green Game: TimeSwapper present concepts which are welcome in the gameplay mechanics found in titles of the Nintendo Switch catalogue. This does not mean they are free from flaws, as their repetitiveness and frustration quickly show, aggravated by a less-than-helpful control system which does not contribute to a more enjoyable experience and ends up creating unnecessary difficulties.

Review in Portuguese |

An original look and a decent amount of challenging puzzles with some replay value are sadly let down with poor controls that turn this into a frustrating experience rather than a fun one. Maybe swap this one for a game more worth your time.

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Even at the very modest price being asked on the Switch eShop for this game right now I can’t recommend it. I like its looks and sounds, and the puzzle mechanic seems novel enough to occupy yourself with for a few hours. Unfortunately the forced touchscreen controls are implemented so wonkily that it gives you nothing but aggravation once nuance is called for pretty early on in the game. If the game is patched and this is changed, with the controls being precise, I hope to give it a more thorough review but for now I’d avoid it.

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Green Game is a let down with its badly implemented 'time' mechanic. Conceptually interesting on paper, but it just doesn't deliver on its promises. But if you desire counter-intuitive touchscreen controls and really want to punish yourself, you may as well do it with some catchy jazz.

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