Critic Reviews for DYE
For a first attempt at the genre, Bat Country Games shows a clear understanding of how to integrate the player's abilities within the level design, coercing players into switching between them in a rapid-fire fashion.
DYE or DIE? Whatever it is, it’s a rock hard game that will keep you busy for many a week – but only if you like a challenge. If you don’t, then it’ll be best that you stay away.
Making a game part time after work and on weekends shows how passionate you are about it, I highly respect the two developers from DYE (and Aeon Command) for that. Sadly enough, DYE has a few negatives that can’t be overlooked, speedrunners and challenging platformer fans will likely enjoy the game but it is hard to recommend for other players, even for the low €5 price point. That said, want to support small teams or just try the game? Go ahead, it is one of the cheaper games on the Xbox Store.