Rogue Islands

Game Debate
9.5 / 10
Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Creators: Blue Sock Studios, Keystone Games, Big Fat Alien
Release Date: Sep 12, 2017 - PC
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Critic Reviews for Rogue Islands

Game Debate

9.5 / 10.0
Game Debate

Rogue Islands, even though it looks disarmingly simple at first sight, is a challenging and immensely enjoyable game for those who love to play challenging titles. It's a simple take on the survival genre mixed with gung-ho FPS action makes it a really unique and memorable experience. I'm a relative newcomer to the rogue-like genre, yet I adored Rogue Islands, poised as it is perfectly between enjoyable and challenging.

Rogue Islands won't be for everyone, but I thought it would be useful to explain why it's for me!

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