Super Seducer 2 Reviews

Super Seducer 2 is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
65 / 100
Oct 3, 2018

Sometimes the cringe is what sells it, like a train wreck you can't keep your eyes off of. That cringe factor isn't an accident, which leaves you wondering if it's all just a big old trolling of those who have far too much to say about everything. If you're not so serious about everything all the time, though, it's a fun diversion.

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DVS Gaming
Top Critic
Oct 3, 2018

This game has some fun context and can be entertaining but isn't the type of game that you will play through more than once.

Sep 2, 2018

Is “Super Seducer 2” a program/game that’s needed? Probably not. So, is the game worth buying ? Only if it’s very cheap or in a sale.

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