Doug Flutie's Maximum Football 2019

Doug Flutie's Maximum Football 2019 Trailers
Critic Reviews for Doug Flutie's Maximum Football 2019
It’s great to see a small team of gamers attempting to fill a massive void in the sports gaming universe, but at the end of the day, the game still has to be fun to be considered a success.
There’s so much potential sitting there with the series, it just needs some heavy pressure to become the diamond it hopes to become. Hopefully, with the hype the game has generated, it can get the investments needed to make a bigger step forward in 2020.
The actual football offers no atmosphere what’s so ever, and the crowd itself are pretty much static in their actions and sound. The graphics are below par and the actual action, a little depressing if I’m honest. There’s no fluidity in the actions and the control’s themselves are clunky at best, unresponsive at it’s worse. The control as a whole are very unclear in their actions and not very user friendly.
No one can argue what type of player Doug Flutie was on the field. But his first attempt at a hall of fame football simulation came up a bit short. That's not to say the game couldn't compete with Madden and Axis down the line, but for now there are way too many issues to recommend this title to most audiences.