Elden Ring Players Debate Which Demigod’s Curse Caused The Most Suffering

Elden Ring Players Debate Which Demigod’s Curse Caused The Most Suffering

From TheGamer (Written by Sam Woods) on | OpenCritic

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Elden Ring is a dark, dark game. There is a serial killer who plans to curse the planet, hundreds of deformed, monstrous creatures, and selfish Demigods each with their own curse and plans to control The Lands Between.

28.6 million units in two and a half years isn't bad going.

With each Demigod's curse different, causing suffering in a variety of ways, a discussion has taken place on Reddit, with Elden Ring players deciding who has it worse than the rest.

Arguably, the most popular choice for "worst curse" was Malenia and her Scarlet Rot. Born afflicted with the disease, Malenia rotted from the inside out. Despite this, she became a fearsome warrior, winning countless battles and earning an army of followers.

Her curse, however, was seen as worse than the rest by some.

She is literally rotting apart, she has lost multiple limbs and her eyes.

Jayborino said, "Malenia, because she is literally rotting apart, she has lost multiple limbs and her eyes," with Megatyrant adding, "She carries a pathogen that indiscriminately harms friend and foe. Her and her brother’s big joint project, the Haligtree, failed because of it, and the Cleanrots can’t even serve her without rotting from...

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